In Ohio, Weathrs Miserable HOT. Moms doing ok My Wifes mom Is not good, weak, Thin, Struggling. Im not having a very good time and my wifes 30 miles away. Its not a good trip, Miss my home and LIFE ....
Thanks for the update Oz. Glad your mom is doing better. As far as your mother-in-law is concerned,it's gonna be rough. I just went through the same thing with my wife's father. Hang in there my friend.
Thanks for the update, man. If you find yourself heading a bit farther north, you got a place to grab a cigar in Michigan. Prayers going out for you and the family.
+ 100! Stay strong bro. At least your mother is doing better, so there is some silver lining to embrace. Hopefully this is when everything else begins an upturn as well. Thanks for the update, as we are all thinking about you!
Hey Oz, I know how miserable it is in OH in June and that right there is definitely something that would start me off down the path of frustration, then add in what you have to deal with and the fact that Maria is 30 miles away and it's enough to drive a man insane. Here's what you need to do friend. Grab a cigar and a big glass of iced tea or lemonade and go find some shade and just let it all go. Much love brother
Prayer are with you Oz. As for the weather, it is supposed to cool down after today, In fact, for the next couple of days the high will only be in the low 70's before the heat and humidity comes back. Enjoy it while you can.
Here's what you need to do friend.
Grab a cigar and a big glass of iced tea or lemonade and go find some shade and just let it all go. Much love brother