Cigarette smoker smoking cigars
I'm a cigarette smoker but I'm quickly falling in love with smoking cigars... this started off in the clean pallette thread but i figured I'd come here with it before I muddled the thread with this. Anyhow I've found that if I don't watch myself I'll smoke my cigar too fast like a cigarette and all I can taste is pepper so, I set it down after every puff to pace myself... I know I can't be the only one who smokes both, and with that anyone else got tips on this aspect of cigar smoking? Things to help a cigarette smoker fully enjoy a cigar! Thanks in advance.
since this stems from the cleansing your palate thread, suggesting that you smoke a cigarette just before you smoke a cigar is probably right out.
my only other thought is to quit smoking or buy expensive nicotine replacement patches so that you arent looking to get your fix. those are both probably unattractive options. ever thought about quitting cigarettes? ... now may be the time.
however, you may have to give up cigars for a bit as well.
Not only that, but my wife also has a similar scar and SIX bypasses - all from my second hand cigarette smoke. She never did smoke cigarettes.
When folks think of the dangers of smoking cigarettes they first think of cancer. Hardly ever do they consider heart disease as a result of cigarette smoking but it's probably more prevalent than cancer.
Please, take it from me....I've been there, done that. Lose the cigarettes.
From everything I've been able to read, handmade cigars are way safer for a bunch of reasons. And not inhaling them gets a place at or near the top of the list. When I smoked cigarettes I inhaled anything I stuck in my face - pipe, cigar, whatever. I now know how stupid that was. recently did a poll (unscientific, naturally) asking whether respondents inhaled their cigars 1. Always, 2. occasionally, or 3. never. 75% of the respondents replied 3. Never. I think that's pretty indicative and shows intelligence as well.
Anyway, long ashes and good health to you, my friend.