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Wed. morning rant...

rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
I figured I'd follow the tuesday afternoon rant with a wed morning one...

How fucking long do you think it'll be before books will be written in some ridiculous "txt" language?

(On a side rant... Why is it I'm allowed to say fucking, but ***, ***, ***, *** and *** are all bleeped out???)

So anyway... Why is it stupid ass people insist on writing emails, posts, web sites, etc in these dumb ass forms? Do you think it's original? IT'S NOT! EVERY other dumb ass out there does the same thing... It's not original, it's fucking stupid... Let me explain a bit further since if one of those dumb asses happens to read this post it may not be sinking in yet...


I'm sure it's been going on for a lot longer, but let me give you a brief history as I know it... A LONG LONG time ago, way back in my middle school days, there were these people known as software pirates... They ran bulletin-board-systems, better known as BBS's... To get access to these BBS's, you generally had to belong to a group... Somewhere, somehow, someday one of these groups decided that it would be cool to have some sort of little secret to help "identify" themselves to other members of the group... They came up with the idea of all caps, but lower vowels... So WoRDS WouLD LooK LiKe THiS. BY DoiNG So THeY CouLD eaSiLY iDeNTiFY eaCH oTHeR.

Now these were some pretty smart fellows... You see, in those days if you used a computer you actually had to know what the hell you were doing... Point and click *** didn't cut it... Pirating software, using modems to call BBS's... This all required some pretty healthy knowledge... Not only did you need to know what debug was, you had to actually know how to use the damn thing to execute code, find jump points, translate them to address locations and then write a patch to bypass them... Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem and god help us all Kermit had to actually mean something... The point is, these fellows knew enough to write scripts for their Qmodem, Telix, or the holy grail, ProComm+... So you see, they didn't have to think about it, they just typed... and the best part??? Sure the capitalization was a bit screwy... but it's STILL FUCKING ENGLISH... IT'S STILL READABLE!

Have you ever saw that email sent out where some university did a study about the way our brain processes english? Basically it states that eevn wehn ltteres are all scwered up and mxied up, as lnog as all the lerttes are in ecah wrod, and the bggenniig ltteres are the smae, we can sitll raed it. Why? BECAUSE IT'S STILL FUCKING ENGLISH...

Then things evolved... Microsoft made it easy for anyone to use a computer... Then came one of the worst things ever known to man... In a time where getting "on the internet" meant dialing into a unix box and running things like lynx, mail, telnet, etc... Low and behold here came "America Online"... Well guess what AOL? The reason more americans weren't online at the time was because they were too damn stupid to figure it out or take the time to learn... WHY couldn't you have just left america offline???

AOL brought about a whole host of dumb asses... It was the epitomy of dumb asses... a dumb ass kingdom if you will... And of course, those dumb asses soon learned about pirated software, hackers, and that little "code" that they had... But they couldn't just adopt it... They had to evolve it...

sud3nl1y 1t b3c4m3 r1dd13d w1th fUgN nUmb3rz aNd sh1t l1k3 D1s...

yes, that's right... No longer was it fucking english... They did something only AOLers could do... They not only proclaimed their idiocracy, but they made it so even they themselves couldn't read that they were doing it...


Then came cell phones, and text or rather txt messaging... Back when txt messaging was first becoming popular your phone was just that, a phone... It had the standard 12 digit layout... This meant that "typing" a text message on one of these phones was rather difficult to say the least... So this lead people to start evolving the language once again...

now it was turnn in2 sumn like dis 2b sure bff


Okay, I take that back... I can SORT of understand this... Hey, as pointed out, texting on a phone like that isn't the easiest thing in the world... BUT... IT'S A FUCKING PHONE!!! A text message isn't meant to carry on a two fucking hour conversation about nothing! If you want to talk about that god damn much, use the fucking SEND button to dial a number and talk... IN FUCKING ENGLISH...


And in todays day and age of smartphones, there's no need for that *** anyway... You've got a full fucking keyboard, use it... If you don't have a smartphone, then don't try to send lengthy fucking messages... CALL...

Now we get to the real meat and potatoes of this post... You see in the brief history as you can clearly see, some instances (aside from the dumbasses on AOL) had an actual REASON for doing what they were doing... But translating that to a forum or email for example, where you have an entire fucking keyboard to work with... well... That's just being a dumbass...

It's not saving you time, it's just wasting other peoples time as they try to read it and translate it into FUCKING ENGLISH...

So win u spl thnz lik dis 2 tr 2b cool...


If you find you are one of the people described above... Do not fear... Don't get upset... Don't get too worked up... Just keep two things in mind...

1: Learn fucking english and use it... It'll make a world of difference in how people receive you...

2: If you choose not to do so, then go hang out at McDonalds... You'll be well received there...



  • DiasFlakDiasFlak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 342
    good rant nothing urks me more than 1337 talk!
  • rmccloudrmccloud Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 160
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    HAHAHAHAHA! Y0 D1s Da Sch1zn1T LMFAO XYZ LMNOP and all that other stupid garbage. I'm with you brother. I also hate text messaging. It's annoying and it's taken on its own language that I don't seem to grasp.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Bravo...we need daily rants like this.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    You hear that jozer?? He's calling you out!

    I'm one of those nerds that ran a BBS back in the day (how do you remember those words? wow) Mine was on Telix, and I ran Procomm+ for a bit after one of my better pirate connections hooked me up with a registered copy. It sucked and was too slow. Went back to Telix, which had all the power I needed and none of the extra garbage.

    My dad got us on Prodigy (they were much bigger than America OnLine at the time), but he never figured out how to use it... they're on AOL these days :)
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    haha wow seriously that was one hell of a rant plus a nice little walk through time. but its so true except in cal
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    haha wow seriously that was one hell of a rant plus a nice little walk through time. but its so true except in cal
    Big Bad Dan, i thnk ur th othr 1 he cllng out
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    haha i dont talk like that haha but if he is than its still funny
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    LMAO ... Wait, am I allowed to use LMAO here or would that be part of this rant?
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    haha that would be part of the rant but u used it any way so wtf haha just kidding but seriously i get what the rants all about soon the next generation will be talking in all letter words like.... i b @ d h o 4 a i L... which would just completely destroy english as a language
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    All I got from that post was I can typye "FUCKING" :)

    ZOMFGBBQ!!!!!1 LoLerskatezzz!
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Lassy it is entirely to early fo you to be drunk!
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    i b @ d h o 4 a i L... which would just completely destroy english as a language
    right... unlike this:
    haha that would be part of the rant but u used it any way so wtf haha just kidding but seriously i get what the rants all about
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Lassy it is entirely to early fo you to be drunk!
    But I DID bartend at the local bar last night even though I'm not employed by them, so it is all entirely possible that it is way to LATE for me to be still drunk!
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    This changed my life.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    This changed my life.
    For better or worse?
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Oh, better. Definitely.
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    Lassy it is entirely to early fo you to be drunk!
    But I DID bartend at the local bar last night even though I'm not employed by them, so it is all entirely possible that it is way to LATE for me to be still drunk!

    sooo true ill drink to that
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    its great

    that the point is missed by the ones that need to hear it the most.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    actually, let me make a real statement.

    we are a group of grown men, and thoreticly women. We are on this forum to have an entertaining time learning about cigars, accesories, and related topics.

    there are parts of this forum that are casual, there are parts that are informational, and there are parts that are fun.

    we need to all get along to make this forum work. we need to all understand eachother to make this forum work.

    we dont have moderators. this is us -self moderating. the people that have been here for a while need to encourage those newer users to be respectful. we also need to encourage the newer users to not use "text speak." This is not because we cant read it. Its because you look like an idiot when you use it. If you want respect on any forum you must present yourelf respectfully. you cannot do that in the language of "text"

    and not that i am offended by profanity but i would like to keep it at a minimum and keep a classy forum that has a learning spirit. the farther we slip away from what we started out to be less fun it will be to come here.

    anyone agree?
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    I'm so old school, I'll type out "your" if I'm texting someone, instead of "ur."

    I have to admit, I get a migraine reading some of the posts (no offense, Big Dan) but my thoughts are, to each his own. Write whatever the hell you like, however the hell you like. This is still America.
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Write whatever the hell you like, however the hell you like.
    Just don't get offended when nobody reads it.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Nothing bothers me more than incorrect grammar and/or spelling, but Kuzi I have to disagree with you on this. Where do we draw the line? You only capitalized one or two letters, and you didn't use a single apostrophe (ironically, I may have just misspelled that word). I frequently will present my statements in a rather informal manner on these forums. I was razzing Big Bad Dan because he is one of our biggest offenders with respect to shortcuts on grammar and spelling, but I don't expect him to change because it would make me cringe at his posts less (or read them more).

    You do make one important point with which we are in agreement. People tend to respect the input they receive from those who have taken the time to put up a well-constructed post. It demonstrates that the poster is more engaged in the conversation and understands the subject matter well enough to assemble coherent thoughts into grammatically correct English sentences. I'd hate to see us become grammar ***, but by the same token, as a poster, you must recognize that many times your statements carry a weight that is directly proportional to the apparent time, thought, and effort behind them.

  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Write whatever the hell you like, however the hell you like.
    Just don't get offended when nobody reads it.
    Hmm... I just took 2 paragraphs to express the same basic thought that Urby put forth in a single sentence.
  • la-henryla-henry Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 74
    I'm a young guy and i still hate text speech. I like the fact that my phone has a full keyboard on it so that it's easy for me to type something out. even if most of my texts to friends are extremely short anyway.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    actually, let me make a real statement.

    we are a group of grown men, and thoreticly women. We are on this forum to have an entertaining time learning about cigars, accesories, and related topics.

    there are parts of this forum that are casual, there are parts that are informational, and there are parts that are fun.

    we need to all get along to make this forum work. we need to all understand eachother to make this forum work.

    we dont have moderators. this is us -self moderating. the people that have been here for a while need to encourage those newer users to be respectful. we also need to encourage the newer users to not use "text speak." This is not because we cant read it. Its because you look like an idiot when you use it. If you want respect on any forum you must present yourelf respectfully. you cannot do that in the language of "text"

    and not that i am offended by profanity but i would like to keep it at a minimum and keep a classy forum that has a learning spirit. the farther we slip away from what we started out to be less fun it will be to come here.

    anyone agree?
    Absolutely agree... Oh, and sorry about the profanity... I just had to make the point that the filter seems a little "off" LOL!

    But you are absolutely correct... It's extremely hard to take someone seriously, rather it be posts on a forum, email, or any other communication medium when the communicate in a rather absurd manner...

    Let's state it another way... I know a little German... If I decided to start throwing a bunch of german words into all my posts, aside from being rather annoying, would anyone really take me seriously? Not likely...

    So in zusammenfassung, if you want people to take you ernst, respekt you, and perhaps most wichtig listen to you, then sprechen friggin englisch!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    You hear that jozer?? He's calling you out!

    I couldn't help but think that same thing as I read the post. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident in my grasp of the English language and my ability to use it properly. And aside from my user name, I'm not much for abbreviations or letter 2 number substitutions (except for that instance to be clever).
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    I know a little German...
    I know a little Englishman, but I don't see how that's relevant.

    then sprechen friggin englisch!

    gah! I did it again!
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