thats just rediculous i cant believe that they honestly can get away with selling a fraud product like that they clearly coerced u into believing that the product being shown was the one u would receive however they mislead u by a freakin disclaimer. the whole point of internet retail is to be at convenience to the customer they should tke care of you better than ur local shop. just hearing about this *** pisses me off
just another case of a company trying to get by with what they can. something else thats funny is several times disputes i ve had with a mfg when i mentioned one of my best friends was a retired judge who was back in private practice, the aboutface and treatment i received would have been funny if i wasn t already mad as hell
All i can say about that is good for you for not taking that one laying down. If enough people would handle these types of situations the way you did, I don't think those disclaimers would be so broad and all-encompassing anymore. I blame this on the passive consumer who will just shrug and say "oh well, it's not quite what I wanted, but at least I got something lol" (and yes, they would actually say "ell-oh-ell" to truly enunciate their idiocy. )
just another case of a company trying to get by with what they can. something else thats funny is several times disputes i ve had with a mfg when i mentioned one of my best friends was a retired judge who was back in private practice, the aboutface and treatment i received would have been funny if i wasn t already mad as hell