An impatient smoker? Go Mas Gordo!
The point of this post really was to discuss/ask opinions on something ive noticed. That something is..if you tend to be an impatient smoker (by that i mean you cant help but draw every 10 seconds or so) cigars with large ring sizes on average seem to by default taste far better. Now, the obvious reason of course is that larger ring sizes dont burn as hot despite how much you might be puffing on it, compared to a really small ring size which will heat up fast. But, i guess what im asking is...does anyone else here notice that this seems to be the case for them..that you enjoy larger ring sizes more as a matter of flavor (assuming of course you're a fast puffer).
That's what I did when I noticed I was smoking too fast. I also smoked less often. It's worked. Now I'm slow as hell.
a few people here hit on it.
here is how i explain it
when a cigar burns too hot it tastes bad. got it.
when you puff on a cigar, you are only able to draw in as much as your mouth will allow. smaller mouth, less smoke. bigger mouth, more smoke. Imagine the cigar as a straw. if you have a huge straw you can get more air faster but the air pressure at the end of the straw is less. less oxygen goes past a particular point. when you have a smaller ring straw, all the air has to be crammed into a smaller point. All of the oxygen goes through that tiny area. more O2, more fire and heat.
this is actually a huge reason why large ring cigars got so big in the last few years.
im still sticking to my small ring gauges and slow puffing.