San Lotano!
After reading some of the older CCom newsletters and articles, the San Lotano came to my attention. It's an old line that was started by AJ Fernandez's grandfather, but was discontinued when Castro came to power, and now AJ is resurrecting it soon. My only questions are when will it be out, will it be available through CCom, and is it going to be expensive and hard to get like Tatuaje's La Verite line that just came out?
Alex? Beard? Kelly? Anyone know the answers? I'm a big AJ ho I just gots to know.
Alex? Beard? Kelly? Anyone know the answers? I'm a big AJ ho I just gots to know.
Any kind of specials by email....hint hint...
I just got off the phone with Tim and he said he's being told 5-7 days, maybe.
Please note the maybe.
Holy necro thread, Batman!