Cigars in Iraq

in Cigar 101
I really want to send my hubs a couple boxes of cigars. His favorite Vegas Gold, and the new Gold Maduros. Should I send one at a time or will it be okay to send both? He has one humidor in Iraq that holds 20 cigars. I was going to have just send all of the cigars there so I don't have to pay for shipping twice (I will have to send separately from each other from here to Iraq), but do you think that the storing in the desert in the packaging that send it in will be too harsh and therefor make it worthless to send them all at once?
Should I send them all from or should I have them shipped to me and send one now and one later?
Should I send them all from or should I have them shipped to me and send one now and one later?
1. If he has some control over the temperature in which any cigars stored outside of the humidor 'temporarily' then provided they are shipped with humidified packaging they should be okay, ie. in a stable enough environment to not spoil until he is ready to put them in the humidor.
2. Depending on how fast he smokes them, if he smokes two a day so would be through a box in 10 days the cigars stored in #1 above could be gradually moved into the humi as he depletes the ones he is smoking and he should be able to rotate and control them to make sure they are better aclimated to smoking by the time he gets to them.
If he is not going through them very fast you might want to considered sending him some 5 packs instead of one or to boxes and do it on a more frequent basis.
There was a servicemen in Iraq (i think) that posted a thread about using an ammocanador!! Which, I guess is basically an ammo can converted to be a humidor, if this is an option you may still be okay with the two boxes.
As an after thought you might want to check with ccom about the humidified shipping, I have mostly purchased packages and specials from here and they usually (but not always) come in ziploc type baggies with a humi pillow to keep them humidified. But on the couple of occassions I have purchased full boxes, I think (and I may be wrong!!!) that ccom followed the policy of other merchants and ship unhumidified, since the boxes themselves offer a little protection from drying out and also are usually shink wrapped.
that's insane, I'm also at balad right now...I wonder if your husband is apart of the local cigar group on base?
that's insane, I'm also at balad right now...I wonder if your husband is apart of the local cigar group on base?
I doubt it, but I'll let him know. He's with 25th ID 2nd Brigade and he's barely getting time off. Maybe when things settle down a bit more.
I tried to call Jeff and he was on vacation, so I called again after he got back and they said he'd left for the day. He was supposed to call me back and he didn't. I give up!
Duh email... why didn't I think of that?!
Thanks. I need to get this done because my hubster's birthday is in just under 3 weeks!