black spots

in Cigar 101
I busted out a "5 Vegas Classic" and I noticed some black spots on it, especially aroudn the veins. Not alot but enough to notice. what is this?? I took a pic but my camera sucks and you really cant see the spots.
There are several ways to age tobacco - "cooking" it, that is, heating it up, is a cheap way to cure it and usually results in a lousy cigar, so it's very much frowned upon in the industry (most premium tobacco is cured naturally/slowly)
But there's a second phase to it - once the tobacco is properly cured, some of the wrapper may be miscolored or have splotches of odd coloring - this is totally natural and has no real effect on the cigar at all. A lot of cigar manuf then lightly cook the wrapper so the entire thing is uniform in color (this is a generally accepted practice; it's purely to make the cigar more aesthetically pleasing). AJ Fernandez, however, doesn't do this - he leaves his wrappers splotches as they are and doesn't cook them to make them uniform in color (hence why your MOW Virtue has green spots)