Congrats, man! College is really where life begins. High school suuuucks. In any case, two pieces of advice: 1) Be frugal with your money: You don't wanna be like the rest of us and resort to eating beans out of a can or go on a miso ramen diet like me. 2) Don't procrastinate too much: This killed my GPA lol
That's great man. I went away straight out of college and totally made a mess of it, and went on academic suspension because of it. It took me two more years to get my *** together and get my GPA straightened out, and now I'm applying to schools I would never have dreamed of. The biggest secret of success at a university up. Seriously, show up to every class you can make it to. Plus, your professors will get to know you, and you can get away with sooo much more as far as them being lenient with due dates. But party hard man! just don't do it every night, and day, and
It's funny, I'm now in my last semester of college, set to graduate a semester early (just one credit, one third of a class shy of graduating a year early, darn it!) but definitely enjoy that first year. It's excellent, and try to keep up this attitude when finals roll by. One of my favorite things to do is walk around campus smoking a cigar, so I hope you enjoy the same. Congrats on this victory; may it be the first of many.
Congrats man! Another piece of advice, Don't take any time off. I said I was going to take a semester off and it turned into two and a half years. Going back is extremely hard to do. Now, I'm almost a senior after being in school going on seven years.
Since Pillow hasn't responded. He going for marine biology although after see some of his photography I think he's takin the wrong major but that just my opinion.