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PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
Well I fought and fought against this happening, but we added a new member to our family. My wife found a cat for free and I have to admit, it is a pretty cool cat. She is really mellow and laid back and loves the kiddo so she can stay. I'm not a huge cat fan, but I've met hard core stoners more high strung than this creature. Plus she is very unique looking in that depending on what light she is in, her left side changes colors almost... We named her Frankie because she looks like someone took parts from 3 or 4 cats and stuck them together to create Frankencat... Here are some pictures.

This is angle you can see a lot of orange on her left side.
From this angle in different light you can't even see the orange... Strange cat.


  • RoughscotsmanRoughscotsman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 39
    I feel your pain mate. I've ended up with two cats and have always been a dog guy. But that being said I've come to change my mind over the years. I'd still love a dog but there's something about watching cats in action that can only be compared to watching ninjas. And due to my rapidly growing beer gut watching is as close as I will ever get to my goal of becoming one :P One of our cats is a Bengal and for some strange reason they love water. He's a big pain in the ass if you leave the bathroom door open. Wet cat running around the house is never good. I'm sure your kid will love her that's for sure.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    I get itchy just lookin at that thing! LOL! Luckily, the wife and I are insanely allergic so I never have to deal with cats. But I know we'll get another dog eventually......
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Nice looking cat Jason. Beautiful colors. I was a dog guy too until we got these two cats. Like the Roughscotsman said cats have a way of growing on you. I still love dogs. but my cats have given me so much enjoyment over the years that I just could not be without one around always.

    Contrary to popular belief cats can be trained quite well. I have a lot of Cedar around my house and garden and there is not one claw mark on any piece.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Yea, this lil one started to go after the back of the couch a time or two, but that's about all she has done. lol She is pretty cool, but the lil sh*t thinks my side of the couch is HER spot now... So this war is just beginning! haa She is already growing on me.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    The girlfriend and I raw thinking on getting a cat... Not sure yet
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    I've been trying for nigh on 5 years to get my fiance to take allergy shots so I could get a cat. I'm definitely a dog person, but I love cats as well, and with the apartment living we've been doing for years, it's as close as a pet as I'm gonna get... (When I get a dog, I want a Great Dane, and that just ain't happenin in my apartment)
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    I can always give you one of the four cats here! lol dam roommate
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    Cute cat! I have two hilarious dogs, but I love cats, too. Congrats on the new addition!
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Congrats on the new cat bro . We have two dogs now but we had a cat we got for my son when he was 5 years old. They kinda grew up together , we had him for 15 years ! ( The cat ...we still have the son haha) He used to lay beside our pool at night if the wife and I were out there and just stare into the water. He was really cool and a lotta fun. I'm sure you guys will enjoy him , he is a very cool looking cat with his coloration .
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Thanks everyone. She is actually really cool. She adjusted well to our hyper ass dog and is a really laid back cat. We even took her out to my parents house on the lake and she was happy as hell. Slept in our bedroom pretty much all day and night. In the evenings she would come out and play on the stairs for a while then back to sleep.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    I feel your pain mate. I've ended up with two cats and have always been a dog guy. But that being said I've come to change my mind over the years. I'd still love a dog but there's something about watching cats in action that can only be compared to watching ninjas. And due to my rapidly growing beer gut watching is as close as I will ever get to my goal of becoming one :P One of our cats is a Bengal and for some strange reason they love water. He's a big pain in the ass if you leave the bathroom door open. Wet cat running around the house is never good. I'm sure your kid will love her that's for sure.

    Reading this makes me think of THE TICK and his take on Ninjas! HA

  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Thanks everyone. She is actually really cool. She adjusted well to our hyper ass dog and is a really laid back cat. We even took her out to my parents house on the lake and she was happy as hell. Slept in our bedroom pretty much all day and night. In the evenings she would come out and play on the stairs for a while then back to sleep.

    Haha Puro , I didn't mean to give your cat an identity crisis ! Please insert she everywhere I put he in the post haha ...sorry man ...awsome cat !
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