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Presidential debate

ScramblerScrambler Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 746
Anybody else watching?



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    nope. heres how i look at it:

    the candidates are taking questions that are preplanned by people that have an agenda. then after the debate is over the dems say what you were supposed to get out of it from their side and the republicans say what you were supposed to get out of them on their side then they both spin the other sides answers. After that its the medias turn to spin it how they see fit. after all is said and done nothing new is being said and we learn nothing and just get pissed at whatever side you arent on.

    if you follow the news at all you have heard every talking point being said by both sides. why waste my time?

    im so sick of both parties right now...
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    I watched...bout what you would expect. I was a little taken aback when Obama admitted he's been a Muslim this whole time and the Rev. Wright thing was a smokescreen.
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    And then McCain crapped in his hands and threw it at Jim Lehrer. See what you missed, kuz?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    And then McCain crapped in his hands and threw it at Jim Lehrer. See what you missed, kuz?
    as funny as that would have been to see first hand, im sure ill catch it later. im not sure i want to. i mean... old guy dropping trou and pooping in his hands? eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww!!
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Enough with the doody jokes or I'll have to take offense!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I watched...bout what you would expect. I was a little taken aback when Obama admitted he's been a Muslim this whole time and the Rev. Wright thing was a smokescreen.
    for about 0.5 seconds you had me goin. I should know better.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Okay... Beer is sitting in

    "You may be a Cunning-Linguist... but I'm a Master-Debater"
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    well i watched this and i was really ashamed it went horribly. Obama got tooled and McCain just looked like a jackass. i dont think it was a waist of time at all i think that the debates are a quintessential part of the election and the outcome of the next president. however i thought that at this point everybody chose the wrong candidates to represent each party
  • VidarienVidarien Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 246

    In many ways, this debate played out exactly like I thought it it would.  You have to consider the goals of the two men walking in.


    McCain wanted to clothesline Obama on foreign policy, making him look weak and getting the news buzzing about McCains massive victory, to reverse his bad week this week.


    Obama was specifically targetting undecided voters who dont want McCain, but keep getting viral emails from Uncle Bob about how he is a lunatic Muslim radical.  He was above all else, calm, cool, and presidential in his approach.  That was intentional. 


    If you look at it with those respects, its understandable why some are calling that debate for obama.  But anyways, that task is done now, i would anticipate given McCains failure to KO Obama and Obamas mild victory in assuring undecided voters...they will both turn up the heat quite a bit at the next debate.

  • SFC_In_AfghanistanSFC_In_Afghanistan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8
    nope. heres how i look at it:

    the candidates are taking questions that are preplanned by people that have an agenda. then after the debate is over the dems say what you were supposed to get out of it from their side and the republicans say what you were supposed to get out of them on their side then they both spin the other sides answers. After that its the medias turn to spin it how they see fit. after all is said and done nothing new is being said and we learn nothing and just get pissed at whatever side you arent on.

    if you follow the news at all you have heard every talking point being said by both sides. why waste my time?

    im so sick of both parties right now...
    kuzi16, you have my basic feeling down with your above quote. Although I still would have like to have seen the debate, as here soon, one of these two is probably going to be my new boss. I generally find myself getting fuming mad when I watch TV during a Presidental election cycle, as I feel the networks push their agenda's through their reporting ( I do know some of this, as my day-to-day job here in Afghanistan is "Information Operations").

    Well it is nice being here, in that we (the soldiers I work with), don't discuss politics, we do our job as we have soldiers to bring back to loved ones. We are actually more concerned about how our professional or college football team (Hook 'em Horns) is doing.

    Well one week has passed since my order, hopefully within the next week I'll see my cigars. You all take care, and maybe my absentee ballot will get here soon too.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132

    He was above all else, calm, cool, and presidential in his approach.  That was intentional. 


    If you look at it with those respects, its understandable why some are calling that debate for obama.  But anyways, that task is done now, i would anticipate given McCains failure to KO Obama and Obamas mild victory in assuring undecided voters...they will both turn up the heat quite a bit at the next debate.

    I disagree... I thought there were several times he was anything but calm, cool, or presidential. Maybe when we was answering a direct question, but go back and watch it and count how many times he was visible frustrated and would butt in on McCain trying to answer a question, then count how many times McCain did... I have the whole debate on DVR and watched it a couple times. It was clear that McCain was much more patient and calm throughout the whole thing. I don't think either candidate "won" It was pretty much a draw in my opinion...
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