To all you spirits enthusiasts, can I get some recommendation on proper glassware? Specifically, I'm looking for good glassware at a good price for scotch, brandy, and port.
I drink Scotch out of Glencairn crystal whiskey glasses. You can find them all over, I bought a set of 4 off Amazon? I think, it's been a while.
They're not very big, which isn't a complaint, just a heads-up.
I'm a big fan of Lenox crystalware for day-to-day imbibing. Good crystal for the price.
For scotches I prefer Islays (peted) and as such started drinking it from a brandy glass to really savor the aroma. Since that I've taken a liking to drinking all my neat scotch from brandy glasses. The aroma bloom when you put a few drops of water in is phenominal.
Here's the brandy set I use. Macy's carries Lenox and usually runs some good sales on them for about the same prices as the sale.
I don't have a link for the port glasses I use, but it's just a standard cordial glass. We have two types of which I prefer one which resembles a small red wine glass.
They're not very big, which isn't a complaint, just a heads-up.
For scotches I prefer Islays (peted) and as such started drinking it from a brandy glass to really savor the aroma. Since that I've taken a liking to drinking all my neat scotch from brandy glasses. The aroma bloom when you put a few drops of water in is phenominal.
Here's the brandy set I use. Macy's carries Lenox and usually runs some good sales on them for about the same prices as the sale.
I don't have a link for the port glasses I use, but it's just a standard cordial glass. We have two types of which I prefer one which resembles a small red wine glass.