Handgun question

I have a Beretta 21A .25 cal semi-auto pistol. I just cant seem to get a good feel for this gun. I dont know if its because of the guns size or what. Do any of you have one of these or ever shot one and have an opinion of this gun? Its not a carry firearm for me, just something I found myself picking up because the price was really good. I am thinking about getting rid of it but cant seem to make up my mind.
Like cigars, there are sooooooo many kinds of hand guns. You're gonna have to try a few out before you find one that's perfect for you. I would suggest finding a gun shop with a range that lets you test out a few handguns. If you don't have a few months or years to try everything out and you're just looking for suggestions for something reliable and affordable, then go with either Glock or S&W M&P. Both have lots of sizes though all calibers. They are also the most popular on the market so parts and accessories are abundant and cheap. you also have to factor in ammo when selecting caliber. 9mm is pretty cheap, while 45 and higher calibers start to get pricey.
One note about grip size. if the 21a isn't comfortable for you to hold, don't look into any other tiny autos because, while the gun itself is very small in height and width, the grips are wider than most other mouse guns.
BTW, these guns, at least in .22, are way more accurate than they have a right to be. With the tiny sights and short sight radius I can still place a mag into the head of a silhouette in fast fire at 25 yards.
So, seriously. If it's not for carry, why do you own this one? I cannot for the life of me find any reason to own this pistol, including concealed carry...
Once she didnt want to shoot it I tried to get used to it because its a good shooting gun. I already have my carry gun so I am not looking for something to carry but I wanted something that she can shoot without much of a kick.
I am looking into 22's now for her but she wants something a bit larger in size so I was looking at the Walther P22. I have heard good things about these but never shot the P22. I do like the P99 and its the same gun as the P22 just bigger so I think it will be good for her.
The only thing it was good for was fulfilling the requirement to be armed. Practicing with it, I found it was very easy to get a slide bite!
ediit: +1 to what Steve said. The only I'd choose that over any other .22 is that the mag release, etc. is very similar to my P99. Though, even the ergonomics and features are a bit different.
Also I do agree with you about the price on 9mm ammo. They have come down to a fairly reasonable price now. I just picked up a few boxes on friday from fin feather and fur for $10 for a box of 50 rounds. They also had 40cal for $14 per box of 50. That is the cheapest I have seen for those in a long time.
I'll put up a new thread next week for my new TEOTWAWKI gun - MSAR STG-556.