I can look when I get home but I doubt it. I have some airbenders left if you want to trade something for them? They have at least 6 months on them. But any aged LFD's will be tough to get though.
i have a hard time getting more than a few days of age on any LFD. they are so good ROTT that i hardly see the point of aging. I have one or two that i am TRYING to age.... but i think i may fail .
Man the last LFD that i smoked from this box was AMAZING! This box has about 4 years give or take and i have to say it is super smooth and just mind blowing.
I've got two Cameroon Cabinets with two years on them. But jozer sent them to me, lol. There's no way in he$$ I could age LFDs that long! I'd have to lock them away somewhere and forget the key...
hahahahahah did a little cleaning and found 5 more LFD chisels and a 660 as well as a reserva especial from back in 06 you could tell the old and new band compared to a 700
hands down.
then the maestro
i have high hopes for the Poderosa, though i have yet to try it.