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My smokes in Europe

robbyrasrobbyras Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,487
What a trip!!! Madrid is a BEAUTIFUL city and probably the cleanest place I've been... but MAN did the food suck! Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham and oh, by the way, more HAM! but it was a great time... I found this great B&M there... the owner was super nice and spoke a little english to boot, but I only had time for one smoke in Madrid... I chose the PSD4 and i was NOT disappointed... what a great smoke...everything was perfect... I'm sure some of the feeling was influenced by the sheer joy, but it was a great stick... i babied it for almost 2 hours and had a nice Johnny Walker Black with it... the pairing was great... I'm not a fan of Scotch with smokes, but it was all I had access to at the time and it worked perfectly...

The smoke was toasty... that was really the best word for it from start to finish... I had a few burn issues, but overall I loved it...

In Paris I found a GREAT shop near my hotel (we were like 300 yards from the Louvre)... it was really high end so I didn't get the personal attention I received in Madrid, but they had a great selection... I grabbed another Partagas and a Cohiba Siglos II Tubo.... I smoked the Cohiba first and enjoyed it... I think I expected too much with all the HYPE around the Cohiba ISOMs, so I was a little disappointed... din't get me wrong, it was good, but I unfairly expected perfection... the burn and construction were spot on and the flavors were nice... there was a nice growth in the flavor and strength... Then I smoked my second Partagas and, again, wow... I'm gonna have to get my hands on a box of these...

I wish I had more time to smoke, but after all, it was my honeymoon... I can't smell like smoke ALL THE TIME... the wife was very understanding

The B&M;s were overwhelming to me... I walked in a saw all these Cubans and I didn't know what to do... I was like a kid in a candy store... I just reached for the stuff that looked familiar... they were about 12 Euro each, which I found a little surprising... I figured they'd be more, but both shops were on the level as far as I could tell... the one in Paris was for sure...

anyway, thanks for all your input leading up to the trip... I have some pics of the smokes and I'll post them when I get them all downloaded... We filled up 3 sim cards and 8 hours of HD video on the Flip... what a trip!


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