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Men's Health magazine

xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
Anyone get this one regularly?

I've been getting it for a few years, and lately, it seems to be going downhill. The magazine just keeps getting more and more 'feminine'; it shocks me when I open it up to see an article urging me to buy 15 skin-care products so I don't get wrinkles. I'm like "WTF?!" I thought this was a magazine about men and how to get women, not how I should be using anti-wrinkle cream/night-time face masks?!

Add to that the political bias that keeps showing thru (eg - recent article: "The new healthcare bill is GREAT - you get vaccines and everything FREE!!" - apparently they never heard of Economics 101 - "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Somewhere along the line, everything needs to be paid for)

I'm looking for a different magazine, hopefully one that doesn't try to feminize men or push skin care products, but I can't find out. Much as I'm annoyed by MH, they still have some nice work-out articles, and I like their cooking articles, though I hate their general sense of clothing style - it's like they expect everyone to dress like they work in a NY fashion shop; half their style recommendations are geared towards the yuppie set, and only a small part is geared towards those who dress conservatively (eg - suits/tie).

Anyone else have any thoughts/recommendations?


  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Anyone get this one regularly?

    I've been getting it for a few years, and lately, it seems to be going downhill. The magazine just keeps getting more and more 'feminine'; it shocks me when I open it up to see an article urging me to buy 15 skin-care products so I don't get wrinkles. I'm like "WTF?!" I thought this was a magazine about men and how to get women, not how I should be using anti-wrinkle cream/night-time face masks?!

    Add to that the political bias that keeps showing thru (eg - recent article: "The new healthcare bill is GREAT - you get vaccines and everything FREE!!" - apparently they never heard of Economics 101 - "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Somewhere along the line, everything needs to be paid for)

    I'm looking for a different magazine, hopefully one that doesn't try to feminize men or push skin care products, but I can't find out. Much as I'm annoyed by MH, they still have some nice work-out articles, and I like their cooking articles, though I hate their general sense of clothing style - it's like they expect everyone to dress like they work in a NY fashion shop; half their style recommendations are geared towards the yuppie set, and only a small part is geared towards those who dress conservatively (eg - suits/tie).

    Anyone else have any thoughts/recommendations?

    I pretty much agree dude, I felt kinda gay after I saw the last one. Even Maxim has overall go e down hill. I really liked the format when they first came out. Now I just stick to my gun mags...
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Yeah, I remember when the magazine was in open rebellion against the neo-feminist movement; one of the things I liked is that the magazine rejected the feminization of men and celebrated the idea that being a man meant being strong, both mentally and physically, and ready to take on the world. Now they seem to run more articles about skin-care and how to be 'sensitive' than anything else (plus, the advertisements with sweaty guys in speedo's just weirds me out - I'm as open minded as the next guy, but I'd like to be able to read the magazine without people nearby getting the wrong impression of me).

    Lately I've been trying a few different magazines; Esquire seems to be ok, thought I've only read 2 or 3 of their latest, so I can't really tell what they're like just yet
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    Yeah, I remember when the magazine was in open rebellion against the neo-feminist movement; one of the things I liked is that the magazine rejected the feminization of men and celebrated the idea that being a man meant being strong, both mentally and physically, and ready to take on the world. Now they seem to run more articles about skin-care and how to be 'sensitive' than anything else (plus, the advertisements with sweaty guys in speedo's just weirds me out - I'm as open minded as the next guy, but I'd like to be able to read the magazine without people nearby getting the wrong impression of me).

    Lately I've been trying a few different magazines; Esquire seems to be ok, thought I've only read 2 or 3 of their latest, so I can't really tell what they're like just yet
    Agreed. I felt like back in the day they promoted people seizing their inner Paul Bunyan but now yikes....lol
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    I get Men's Health, but pretty much only for the bit with the bartender's advice any more... I bought the subscription from a charity sale and I'll renew it for them, but I am not a big fan... I also get Maxim from them as well and that one is trash now too... I am waiting to see if there are any good suggestions for me to look in to as well.
  • pnaylonpnaylon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 214
    Yeah I stopped reading it when every other article became about guys prostates.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    I used to get Men's Health. They definitely went the way of the "metro-sexual" market. Now I get Muscle & Fitness. It's like Men's Health on HGH......
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