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Couldn't belive my ears......

lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
Look, I'm not a Tea Party Member or Activist. I don't necessarily support the Tea Party either. I DO, however, find it interesting how upset the left gets over the big, bad, evil Tea Party. I hear the comments from everyone about how they're "teabaggers", racists, hillbillies, nutjobs and all sorts of other names. I expect bloggers and internet folk to belittle them and their cause. I expect attacks from people who don't really know anything about the Tea Party Movement to make up stuff and crack jokes. But what I DON'T expect is to see this stuff in the mainstream media........

I couldn't find the video of the interview, but I found the transcript. It's from Fri, Oct 1st. Here, read for yourself:

OLBERMANN: The other great state—to prove this is not just a New York thing for a change. In California, Meg Whitman does not seem to be in quite as complicated nor bad a predicament but it‘s very specific. It‘s right on point.

She‘s made a big deal about holding the employers of the undocumented accountable. So, is this more like a direct small laser hit against her?

HILDEBRAND: Well, I think what you‘re seeing is a pattern amongst these Republican conservative candidates that are aligning themselves with the Tea Party. They‘re going farther and farther and farther to the right as possibly as far as they can get. You know, these folks are becoming more and more dangerous. And I say that in a sincere way.

Meg Whitman has a real problem here. She‘s looking weak. She is hemorrhaging. You know, it‘s hard to justify being a billionaire and not being able to probably pay for taxes and things like that. She is part of the problem in this country.

But, Keith, you know, you got to point out that these Tea Party Republicans, you know, in addition to the lying and cheating and stealing, they‘re also deceiving the American people in who they really are.

These are the same people that are going to destroy Social Security, that are going to dismantle Medicare and Medicaid. They‘re going to take away workers‘ rights. They‘re going to repeal women‘s rights. They are fiscal conservatives who are going to destroy government and they‘re also social conservatives who are going to destroy people‘s lives.

OLBERMANN: Democratic strategist Steve Hildebrand of Hildebrand Strategies Consulting—great thanks for (INAUDIBLE).



The fact that Keith didn't even attempt to have this Hildebrand guy even site one example or instance of the charges he made at the Tea Party Movement or Republicans, just goes to show the level that the left-wing media has sunk to. I know this is commentary and editorial-type journalism, but have a little sense of what it means to be a journalist, would ya? If you're gonna have a guy on a show that calls people "liars, cheaters, and thieves" then at least have the decency to ask that person to back up their accusations....

Again, I'm not really defending the Tea Party (for all I know they ARE a bunch of liars, cheats and theives), just commenting on how the media on both sides of the fence have taken a turn for the worse with the "smear" style of journalism.


  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    it's all garbage. it's brought on by angry people who want to pick a fight with the political right. They are so angry over so much drama that they funnel their anger at anything resembling a reform. with good reason though, they feel threatened, and they should. any movement is a threat when that movement is opposite of their agenda. the right is done being soft with weak candidates. they are putting their foot down.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    lol, what's the point of this? Meg whitman is a horrible person. She is part of this problem and while I don't have a lot of hate for this so called movement, I do think they are being taken for a ride. Their entire organization is built on the billionaire agenda. I mean Whitman is only one of the bunch who is very rich and have done nothing but screw over every day folks. While it be shipping thousands of jobs out of the country, saying they want to privatize everything, make rape victims have babies, do away with public education...

    The right is so far from the mainstream it's pathetic. If anyone is a so-called teapartier then they should really find out where the money is coming from that is funding their so called party and really look at who they think they are voting for. I know several teabaggers who left the movement due to what that movement is part of. They were mislead too. Locally I talked to a small group that had a bunch of signs and most of them were protesting healthcare reform. After talking to them I realized they were totally mis-informed. It's all it is. This movement and the people running under it are nuts. The true tea partier is just upset and mad. Which I agree, though aligning themselves with the people that put everything where it is, and now these people are nuttier and more dangerous than before. Education is the key, finding out what your doing, who is funding it, what the people who are running are about and how they handle the issues.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    I don't see why anyone actually pays attention to the news anymore. It's all a bunch of liberal hogwash anyway. People tend to forget that news agencies are businesses. If their CEO likes one side of the political spectrum, their entire agency's going to push whatever agenda to please that CEO.

    Personally, I'm not part of the tea party movement, but I don't see what's wrong with tax cuts, downsizing government, giving more power to the Constitution, and cutting wasteful programs.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    lol, what's the point of this? Meg whitman is a horrible person. She is part of this problem and while I don't have a lot of hate for this so called movement, I do think they are being taken for a ride. Their entire organization is built on the billionaire agenda. I mean Whitman is only one of the bunch who is very rich and have done nothing but screw over every day folks. While it be shipping thousands of jobs out of the country, saying they want to privatize everything, make rape victims have babies, do away with public education...

    The right is so far from the mainstream it's pathetic. If anyone is a so-called teapartier then they should really find out where the money is coming from that is funding their so called party and really look at who they think they are voting for. I know several teabaggers who left the movement due to what that movement is part of. They were mislead too. Locally I talked to a small group that had a bunch of signs and most of them were protesting healthcare reform. After talking to them I realized they were totally mis-informed. It's all it is. This movement and the people running under it are nuts. The true tea partier is just upset and mad. Which I agree, though aligning themselves with the people that put everything where it is, and now these people are nuttier and more dangerous than before. Education is the key, finding out what your doing, who is funding it, what the people who are running are about and how they handle the issues.
    I think you're missing my point, squirrel. Like I said, I'm not defending anyone here. Meg Whitman may be a horrible person who has done horrible things. I honestly don't know and don't care (seeing as how I live in IL, not CA) I just think that it's become kind of okay to just toss out blanket accusations at any and all Republicans or Tea Party candidates without having to site facts or examples. It comes off as sleazy smear tactics.

    Keith and Hilldebrand were discussing Whitman's controversy over her hired help being illegal. A scandal that has been proven trivial since day one. They somehow come to the conclusion that all Republican and Tea Party candidates are liars, cheats and thieves.

    You're right in saying that education is the key. What Keith and his "strategic" friends are doing is wrong and doing a disservice to their viewers and listeners.....
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    He is catering to his listening audience Wing...nothing new there and nothing to be suprised about. Its a cable news network and he is much a personality as he is a true reporter or newscaster (moreso actually). Are your ears disturbed by the personal attacks thrown around by Sean Hannity or the others on FoxNews about the right sideof the political spectrum? Lets not act like this is new or news. Read respectable print media or listen to PBS. Even then, if you want to find a slant to either side of the aisle...you can find it in any bit of news.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I think that the squirrel needs to come down out of that liberal tree he is inhabiting and take a look around at the red side of this country. Some call it fly-over country, some call it rural America, some of us just call it normal, but if you don't think that the "Tea party movement" is not built from mainstream Americans you need to define "mainstream" for us. Better yet, just keep thinking that way and believing the left leaning polls and we will resume this discussion in November as the election ends.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Like I said, I think both sides have taken a turn for the worse in this category. This was just one of the examples that really stuck in my craw.....

    I tend to stay away from the "ultra" anything. Olbermann, Maddow, Rush, Beck, Hannity..... they're all the same, really. I like to listen to more "middle of the road" folks.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I agree Wing...I watch all the people you stated whenever I want to get riled up about $hit, and get my real news elsewhere.

    Gypsy....I agree that most of the "red" people you refer to is middle america, the trouble is a good amount of middle america resmbles the movie Napoleon Dynamite....and they get to vote, not just feed Tina or record Rico throwing the pigskin.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    lol....just had to comment on this...hope i dont start anything as this is just my .02.....but this country was founded on the rich get richer....whether it be anything from creating a job or getting into politics.....I am personally voting for her as Brown is a dumb idiot.....jsut my opinion... And also, u made a comment about her shipping jobs outa this country....so has EVERY single company in America for the most part cuz our taxes are getting outa control.....hp laid off over 50k people and still going to lay off more by end of year.....get used to it....it sucks I know and I personally hate it, but thats the world we live in today......EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN IS CORRUPT in one way or another....heres a ideal, get rid of everyone in office, senate, etc who has been a politician and start putting in working americans like whitman who want to see this country grow..... hope I didnt offend anyone here as politics are touchy.....and I wasnt personally attaching ya squirral just thought ur comment about Meg was funny to me! lol....but hey, politics are a game arent they! lol
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