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an Update for those that are holding our family in Prayer...

RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
Hi guys, Well the news isnt good, My wifes Mother was found at her home Sunday totally disoriented and in severe pain.and unable to move. She was rushed to the hospital where they found she had lost track of her medications and seems to have done the Anna Nicloe smith , Heath ledger, Blood intoxification overdose miixed to many of her meds wrong who knows but shes in intensive care, the cancer seems to have not spread but she has pnemonia, and is basically struggling for her life. Lung cancer and Pnemonia and overdoes doesnt mix, they are trying to determine of its sever pnemonia or if the cancer has taken over more, they are awaiting the results. Needless to say My wife isn't good being 2500 miles away, shes is trying to get more clarification so she can make plans to return to Ohio, I am doing my best to hold her up and keep her from losing her mind but its a tuff road to hoe..... Thanls for all th prayers and hopefully there will be some good news next time.


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