A lot of these vids proliferating on the internet. Pretty soon one won't be able to light up a cigar in public without setting off a morass of rumors .
i was searching for a review of sum cigar i don't remember what then i seen a skin head smoking a cigar so i had to click on that lol then this guy was a link on the side of that.... pretty funny *** i think..
You know I think I've seen that same outfit at Tat's house when I was over for a visit. I was wondering if it was his or the wifes but I was too scared to ask....now I know.
Now, this is a real cigar.
yes. its probably a Perdomo Galaxia measuring in at 10 x 100
thats right, 10 inches long, and 100 ring.
In San Frncisco, well, you know......