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I'm Homeless - Co-op Missle Launch

bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
So, the other night, I was driving to my new house and was pretty certain I had made all the correct turns on the correct streets, but alas, my house was not there. I was fairly certain I was on the right street and after checking my GPS, I was were my house should be but it wasn't there.

Now, I have dug myself out, found an Internet connection and ready to find some certain BORK's on here that are responsible for not only blowing up my mailbox but my new house as well; I didn't even get to make my first payment on it. On the brighter side, I don't have to unpack anymore boxes.

Thanks go out to a few BORK's on here, most have been "victims" of mine at one time or another, I'm pretty sure and a few others I have had the great pleasure of doing trades with.

Spencer (Hayblet)
Matt (Kuzi16)
Troy (t_even50)
Brian (SirFoster83)
Wayne (wwhwang)
Tony (Sightunseen)
Jeff (BrotherAdam)
The Ring Leader Brett (The Cank)

Also received an a great house package from Isaac (lclpeel) that was truly awesome.

I just really want to say thanks to all these great BORK's for truly making me feel welcome and sharing in my excitement of new house ownership. I really can't put into words how I feel about all the BORK's on this site, they truly make it a welcome place to visit.

Your generousity will not be forgotten and neither will your addresses, mawhahahaha.


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