yeah im thinking she may have picked up a parasite in her stomach from drinking bad water is my theory...and dogs only go in heat once a year...thats it.....and its all good brother...i do appreciate the help either way
so i'm on a lunch break (yes i work on weekends too) and i saw the vet, couldnt have been better timing, she said some puppies are that your puppy may have a virus like you said, and then she asked if your puppy has had its parvo shots because those are mild symptoms of parvo, but she said she may be wrong because she is not there infront of the dog to "properly look at her"
she has had all her shots except the last parvo cuz she is not 16 weeks yet....and there are two other was drinking dirty back yard water i didnt know of....from rain....and other..she chewed up a mop(foam one)...which I use for cleaning the wood floors...i think the chemicals may have made her sick...those are all the factors..
my dog ate a foam Nerf ball once (thinking about the mop) and we gave him a nice scoop of Vaseline. cleared out no problem.
Maybe also check for giardia (i don't know if dogs get that or if it is around where you are).
Just some thoughts
yeah....i have a vet appt now for monday night...i can go in early if i think its worse but i want to take a fecal sample that way they can run sum test
yeah im thinking something is blocking her stomach up cuz now cuz she hasnt gone number 2 all day...making me a little nervous
this sounds like you may be on to something. Have you tried correctol? My Blue Heeler is pretty old, and every once in awhile he gets bound up, a single correctol, or generic equivalent works wonders, and not too harsh. He's about 60 lbs.