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If you can live with human errors nearly every order, Cigar.com is a good deal



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    some people just like to complain.

    maybe its valid. maybe it isnt.

    im sure not all sides of the story are being seen here.

  • jghackerjghacker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2
    Andrew, Why would you (or CCOM) need my permission or concurrence to work to resolve this? The email wasn't to bash but was meant to vent and find out if others are having problems, and of course some are and some aren't. As I said in my feedback, I'm not looking for extras or cash discount - I simply ask for attention to detail and preventive measures, not always corrective actions. I'm tired of playing nurse maid to my orders, and think the customers of CCOM would prefer that when they are told something, it is real. This isn't walmart and as such, we should be able to trust and have a relationship with the account managers.

    I'm not wasting my breath with taking this to the management another time. It hasn't worked before.

    p.s. - I have never communicated in such a manner as I did hear - but did intentionally to see if others have similar problems - and they do. This should be reviewed by the management team and instill a bit of quality assurance / process improvement. It isn't rocket science, but it is relationships with niche consumers.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Based on the post counts of those praising the service here vs those who are saying it is a problem I think we can make a reasonable conclusion that there is no serious issue with Ccom service, quite the contrary, it goes over and beyond what other retailers are doing. keep up the good work Ccom!
  • NightHawkNightHawk Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 246
    Ive only had 1 issue with a box shipping to the wrong address. They took care of it quickly and sent out a new box to the right address. Errors happen, but how they take care of it will say a lot. A lot of other retailers may have waited for the box to return to them and ship it out again, instead ccom sent out a new box from their warehouse.
  • ThewelderThewelder Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 679
    I have only had one problem with C.com and it was my fault. I put the wrong zip code on my shipping address. So it was more of a problem on my part. Waited a few weeks, and sent Tim and email wondering what was up. If I remember correctly he sent me the sticks with free shipping. That has been the only problem with me. Love these guys, sorry to hear you have had problems.
  • jakevtjakevt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10
    Based on the post counts of those praising the service here vs those who are saying it is a problem I think we can make a reasonable conclusion that there is no serious issue with Ccom service, quite the contrary, it goes over and beyond what other retailers are doing. keep up the good work Ccom!

    Even with my low post count I feel inclined to chime in and say although I don't post much on the forum, I have never had a problem with an order and customer service has been outstanding.
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    When dealing with companies that have the customer base that CCOM has you are bound to have customers complain. No one is perfect. With that said i think what makes a company worth doing business with is how they handle those mistakes and work with the customers that are effected. CCOM excels in dealing with these costumers that unfortuanetly an error occured.

    It sux that your order didnt go perfect and as expected, but it appears they are willing to correct it with you and do the right thing.
  • xIcedGuardianxxIcedGuardianx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 873
    Andrew, Why would you (or CCOM) need my permission or concurrence to work to resolve this? The email wasn't to bash but was meant to vent and find out if others are having problems, and of course some are and some aren't. As I said in my feedback, I'm not looking for extras or cash discount - I simply ask for attention to detail and preventive measures, not always corrective actions. I'm tired of playing nurse maid to my orders, and think the customers of CCOM would prefer that when they are told something, it is real. This isn't walmart and as such, we should be able to trust and have a relationship with the account managers. I'm not wasting my breath with taking this to the management another time. It hasn't worked before. p.s. - I have never communicated in such a manner as I did hear - but did intentionally to see if others have similar problems - and they do. This should be reviewed by the management team and instill a bit of quality assurance / process improvement. It isn't rocket science, but it is relationships with niche consumers.
    Andrew said he would make it right but you won't cooperate? I guess some people don't want to be happy... And + 10000000 on CCom being the best online retailer. I'm always super happy with them.
  • StangRunner3StangRunner3 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 47
    I will chime in too, even with my low post count. The orders I have placed have arrived timely and correct. Never had a problem with anything. Also, saying you're not here to bash ccom, yet when help is offered, you continue to make it a public affair instead of a one on one with the company and it's reps who are offering help; kind of a contradiction I think.
  • ellinasellinas Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 329
    my most recent order was the only one that has been messed up. it said i was going to recieve it on a monday but i got it the next day. no big deal though. i'm sorry that it happened to you though
  • jhopephullejhopephulle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 29
    i have dealt with c.com since 2004 and nobody has better service. if there is a problem they go out of thier way to make it right. a few years ago we had a sports fantasy league that i gave some cigars to the winner. alex heard of this and insisted we get them at his cost. that is the kind of people you hope you can deal with. they are standup people to me. none better
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    Since i have been ordering from cigar.com i have had three orders with my orders the first one they shipped me the wrong sampler called them up had the right sampler over nighted to me and i was happy, the second one one of the cigars was cracked shipped a new one right out and i got to keep the cracked one, the final error was when i ordered the camacho(sp) pre embargo sampler instead i got a 5 pack on mow virtues they told me to keep the mow's and they sent me out the right sampler right away. There have been a few issues but no company is perfect but i believe cigar.com is pretty damn close and they make up for their mistakes if they make one with more than an apologize which im pretty sure is not keeping cost down but making them more expensive. Now for shipping last i checked cigar.com does not own ups so i think this is the wrong place to be complaining about shipping, maybe this is your first christmas in the United States but shipping slows down so much due to the large volume of packages being shipped now that is not cigar.coms fault. I have never had ANY problem with cigar.com they have always been more than exclenet and have always gone way above and beyond anything i have ever expected i know i will be ordering cigars from here for a long time to come Edit: One time i had to order something from another company because cigar.com did not carry this product and they said they wont be carrying it. I got the standard shipping which was 14 bucks and it took two weeks to get here where with cigar.com 6 bucks get it here in 3-4 days. Cigar.com is like no other company and you will not find a better company. You have made it clear that you are not trying to resolve this problem, if you were cigar.com would have gone way above and beyond to make you happy but like said before some people do not want to be happy and just want to complain. As for having the management team look over their costumer services is a great idea because they will see, if they do not already know, how great of costumer services their reps have. No other place is like cigar.com. jghacker if you would like to read a 12 page research paper backing up cigar.coms costumer service as well of how amazing they are as a company please pm i would be happy to email you a copy.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    If you don't mind all the errors this company makes in placing orders, this site does offer some good deals, but be sure you are ok with sometimes not getting your order in time as promised (ie: free 2 day shipping has turned into 7 days shipping only to be explained with 'I APOLOGIZE"). I should have known when my first shipment, a few years ago, was DOUBLED that their internal processes aren't what they should be. I thought there is no way they can keep making such errors over and over so it has to get better. But here I am, years later and once again frustrated the human on the other end can't seem to take a simple order. Maybe I'll just go back to ordering via the web and take my chances with the computer. But again, good prices. Maybe they keep the prices down by mischarging and misreprensting what they are selling. I will probably shop here again, and actually went about 9 months without because I couldn't take the headaches any more. We'll see... Cost vs Quality is what you may need to consider. And don't expect they will do anything other than 'apologize'. Those apologies help them keep their cost of resolving issues to a mininum, I suppose - which in turn allows them to keep offering those 'great deals'.

    Never had a single issue like this EVER.... with Only 2 Posts top this Forum to guys who spend a lot of time here and deal with them on a daily basisi I dont get it. If your so disatisfyed and have issues after years and years of buying from them why now Post 2 posts and ***. I for one am sorry you have this feeling with CCOM.... I would suggest you troll elsewhere or Discuss your Issues further with your Rep on the phone. See ya!
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    If you don't mind all the errors this company makes in placing orders, this site does offer some good deals, but be sure you are ok with sometimes not getting your order in time as promised (ie: free 2 day shipping has turned into 7 days shipping only to be explained with 'I APOLOGIZE"). I should have known when my first shipment, a few years ago, was DOUBLED that their internal processes aren't what they should be. I thought there is no way they can keep making such errors over and over so it has to get better. But here I am, years later and once again frustrated the human on the other end can't seem to take a simple order. Maybe I'll just go back to ordering via the web and take my chances with the computer. But again, good prices. Maybe they keep the prices down by mischarging and misreprensting what they are selling. I will probably shop here again, and actually went about 9 months without because I couldn't take the headaches any more. We'll see... Cost vs Quality is what you may need to consider. And don't expect they will do anything other than 'apologize'. Those apologies help them keep their cost of resolving issues to a mininum, I suppose - which in turn allows them to keep offering those 'great deals'.
    also boys, my vagina hurts. Happy Holidays.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    I have never communicated in such a manner as I did hear - but did intentionally to see if others have similar problems - and they do.

    It's clear that you're the exception here, everyone else has said they have had very few problems, and when they did they were corrected. You're like that customer in a restaurant who is never happy, no matter what the place does or what any attempts anyone makes to please you. It's obvious that your mind is made up about this company and as such, you should leave.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Why does it seem that every few weeks someone decides create a new account just to b*tch about CCom's service when everyone else seems to have zero to few problems (in which case, said problems are quickly remedied).

    I've only had one problem and it wasn't even CCom's fault. UPS decided to play soccer with my package and damaged two CAO Americas (the rest of the cigars were fine). I called up CCom. Kelly told me to keep the damaged cigars and gave me a free replacement. No misplaced orders or missing items.

    But whatever. I doubt your story's true, but eh. If you wanna see a REAL nightmare, go to Thompson's.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Some people you just can't please. Being in retail myself, I know that we work hard to make our customers happy... but sometimes losing a customer is for the best.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    not to speak for cigar.com but...
    Andrew, Why would you (or CCOM) need my permission or concurrence to work to resolve this?
    because he would need to know what you want fixed for your personal order. If you need credit he needs legal permission to access you account to give you a credit. if you wanted more cigars to make it right he needs to know what cigars.

    being in customer service myself at the management level, i know what it is like to have someone tell you that your service at my establishment is substandard. i will personally do everything i can to fix what went wrong. as for future interactions with my company i always try not to make mistakes.
    you now have made two posts about in the future you want cigar.com to be better. I assure you, they want to get it right as well, but you have not made any effort to give them a chance to make it right.
    The email wasn't to bash
    to bad thats how it came out then
    but was meant to vent and find out if others are having problems, and of course some are and some aren't.
    most have not, and for the few that did, they let cigar.com fix the issue and every time (noted in this thread) they were very happy with the treatment they got post issues.
    yes, a perfect company will get things right all the time, but perfection is a goal that nobody in the human race has ever attained. the mark of a good company is fixing and resolving the problem when it happens. again, this is something that you seem to be preventing cigar.com from doing.
    As I said in my feedback, I'm not looking for extras or cash discount - I simply ask for attention to detail and preventive measures, not always corrective actions. I'm tired of playing nurse maid to my orders, and think the customers of CCOM would prefer that when they are told something, it is real. This isn't walmart and as such, we should be able to trust and have a relationship with the account managers.
    so... given the opportunity to have your wrong fixed, you declined. fine. if you chose not to receive service cigar.com cant stop that.
    if you dont what things on your current order fixed, dont *** to the point of insulting. (and thats exactly what you did when you compared ccom to walmart, claimed them to be liars)

    ... not sure about all of you but if any company screwed up every order i had from them i would quietly take my money elsewhere.
    if i was looking for some sort of compensation (weather it be monetarily from the company, or retaliation against it from its customers) i would post on a public forum about how much they suck.
    I'm not wasting my breath with taking this to the management another time. It hasn't worked before.
    but you will waste your time posting ANOTHER post here?
    p.s. - I have never communicated in such a manner as I did hear - but did intentionally to see if others have similar problems - and they do. This should be reviewed by the management team and instill a bit of quality assurance / process improvement. It isn't rocket science, but it is relationships with niche consumers.
    way to be insulting a second time.
    as i stated before, the others that have had issues (as stated in this thread) have let cigar.com fix it and been nothing but happy.

    there are only so many tools at a managers disposal. you seem to want some sort compensation that is outside that realm. are you asking them to never ever make mistakes? that is an unrealistic expectation for the human race. Ccom understands that mistakes happen far more than they want them to. the only tools at their disposal are sending more cigars and giving you a discount. neither of those options are acceptable to you.
    as a manager of people myself, i realize that it is impossible to have a staff 100% of the best people on earth. there is not much i can do about that. there is damage control. maybe it isnt even the ccom staff themselves. maybe its at the huge warehouse that employs more than ccom's people. this is the struggle of a good manager not just at ccom but anywhere.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Well said kuzi, here here!
  • StangRunner3StangRunner3 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 47
    Well said kuzi, here here!

  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
  • sol1821sol1821 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 706
    if im honest ive had a little problem one way or another with almost all of my orders, however they have always been made up for. what more can you ask for, with large volumes of orders, the occasional mistake is inevitable, even the ccom staff are only human, (beards excluded). i guess im just unlucky, as i know most people here have very few to no problems.
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,539

    +1 couldn't of said it better...maybe
    pwnd n00b woot!!!!
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910

    +1 couldn't of said it better...maybe
    pwnd n00b woot!!!!
    Or: n00b got uberpwnzorzd!!11!1!
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 846
    yeah if you wanna bash and it is justified be a man about it. Especially if you feel that strongly about it. C.com does a great job...to make a statement bashing them without considering the VOLUME of the orders they have to ship out on a daily basis. For them to have to monitor a forum and waste time apologizing about a mistake when all you have to do is pick up the phone and speak with a rep to get things straightened out.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    also boys, my vagina hurts. Happy Holidays.

  • zeebrazeebra Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,166
    I've placed a few orders and just my last one I had an issue with. About $300 worth of cigars, which were for gifts. A few cigars came damaged, davidoffs, and called and they were suppose to ship them out to me last Friday. I even mentioned I needed them asap so I can re-send them and my gifts will be there before Christmas to my clients. Well, I called today and they just shipped yesterday, which means I get them Wednesday. Which means its too late to get them to my clients before Christmas! I am upset, but there are more important things in life that I'm concerned about....
    And Tim took care of me. Took care of me real good!!!!
  • The CankThe Cank Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 799
    If by " Not getting your order in the time promised" you actually mean it showed up two days early then yes I have had this "problem" as you call it. I don't think Ccom has ever been late on a shipped order to me and most times it arrives early. Plus it is Christmas Time the mail is jacked up right now. My wife ordered some sheets from Dillards a week ago, they should have been here Monday and they have not even arrived in my state yet. Good thing My cigars never show up 4 days late ! Thanks Ccom for providing a great service for all of us !
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,487
    Andrew I myself personally think you should resign from you're position right NOW....... when I called a few weeks back you kept saying yes to my requests and then offering better deals and I only called in to order like $80.00 worth of items and you FORCED me into buying $130.00 ............. I am just kidding I always love how helpful all the reps here at CCOM are and when on the rare occasion there is a mistake how quickly its remedied ......And lets really cut the reps a lil slack ..... its the holiday and its busy as hell and I can be 100% positive that Andrew took more than 1 order that day .........Just remember " To be human is to err"
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