Cuban cigar advice

I have only been enjoying cigars for a short time so I need some advice. I will be vacationing in Canada next week and thought I should take the opportunity to try a Cuban cigar. Any recommendations for med-full bodied cigars that should be readily available at a reasonable price?
From what I have heard you can bring cubans into the states, but customs will probably take excess boxes and bundles. My uncle has actually came back from Cuba with two different boxes and was allowed in. Though a guy with 5 boxes had some taken. I guess the rule is as long as you do not "look" like you are going to be selling them you should be fine. I know I'd like to take a trip to cuba, and grab a few boxes..
That said, to the best of my knowledge no one has ever been criminally prosecuted for purchasing, or for carrying into the country, cuban cigars in a quantity consistent with personal consumption. They will most likely confiscate them if found at the border, and people have been known to face civil ($) penalties for buying via the 'net.
if you wanna get technical, you cannot even smoke cubans outside of the US if you are a US citizen. you cant bring any back legally. that doesnt mean it does not happen. just be aware that it is against the law. what your uncle got away with depends on a host of factors including the date he came back, who was inspecting them, how many he had, etc...
also remember its not illegal if you dont get caught.
I would also like to recommend the ERDM (el Rey de mundo) choix supreme. I have never even heard of a bad review of those things. ... and on the cheaper side (but still ok) diplomaticos. make sure you get a box code with them and let them age for some time. most cubans tend to do better with age for some reason.
I like the Monte #2s...maybe a little too much, my brother swears by cohibas
Seriously though, for someone just starting out a Montecristo #2 or #4, a Cohiba of some sort (I'd go with the classic robusto but the Siglo line is really popular. On second thought, the Siglo is a little milder, targeted more towards the casual smoker instead of the diehards, so that might be a better recommendation for you), and a Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial are the minimum must trys. If the Cohibas are too pricey, replace it with the RASS.
Cohiba Siglo 2 robusto rated 90, earthy full smoke & coffee bean flavor. 5 1/8 by 42
are you sure you didnt mean the "type-o" police?
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