I read it to say the Pelosi was telling the repubs that the Dems are the new party for values ...not just the bible nuts, millionaires, and guys who have closet gay affairs. Also, that she was trying to imply she hopes the right will be servants to the people, and not only special interests or those top 1% that are catered to. Truth is likely somewhere in the middle of our takes.
Agreed on your last paragraph there. I wish both sides could find more true ideas to stick to and help the country instead of who has better family values, morals, religion, ect. How about the better actual plans that are laid out, plausible, achievable, and more than just tallking points to make people cheer at a rally............I think all of us can agree on that.
Did you forget about me? I am slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun! What I want to see is for someone to please close the money spigot before it is entirely to late.