As a former southern illinois resident I have to say that is a screwing. Who really gets screwed is the people that don't live in chicago, which is where 90% of there money is going.
This is odd because our FL economy is based around people working for minimum wage at tourist hotels and the wealth of those who visit here. Hearing economy and Florida in the same sentence are laughable.
what the sad part is...corporate tax just went from 4.8 to 7 percent...u can see the businesses just fucking flying outa the state to texas and other places where its 3 percent....if i lived there, i would start lookinig for work in a different state and move instantly...f that.....if a state wants to control budget....cut spending, lower income taxs so people have more money to spend, increase property taxes which we will barely notice, cut all the dumb social services such as people on wel fare for 20 years or more...and most of all....CUT AND REDUCE GOVERMENT SALARY, THE PRIVATE JETS, MEDICAL, AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH GOVERMENT....PROBLEM SOLVED.....STUPID STATE...
Illinois (Chicago) has always been corrupt. The state needs to follow the plan of Governor Christie from New Jersey then they could straighten the mess out.
what the sad part is...corporate tax just went from 4.8 to 7 percent...u can see the businesses just fucking flying outa the state to texas and other places where its 3 percent....if i lived there, i would start lookinig for work in a different state and move instantly...f that.....if a state wants to control budget....cut spending, lower income taxs so people have more money to spend, increase property taxes which we will barely notice, cut all the dumb social services such as people on wel fare for 20 years or more...and most of all....CUT AND REDUCE GOVERMENT SALARY, THE PRIVATE JETS, MEDICAL, AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH GOVERMENT....PROBLEM SOLVED.....STUPID STATE...
Lets play devils advocate. Then you are suggesting they cut food stamps, medicaid, cash assitance, homeleess shelters (get some funding), ect. You also would have to reduce or cut salaries of Children and Family Service worker who protect children and the elderly from abuse, nelgect, abandonment, and exploitation. You would also have to eliminate or cut programs to the mentally and phsyically disabled and the associated programs, group homs, therapy, and other services. -------------Cutting govt sounds great in theory, but what about these services----ESPECIALLY the ones I listed which are not the ones where the "lazy leech off the system?"
When it comes to welfare and government help/aid, I agree you can't cut all completely, but there at least needs to be an overhaul to those who receive it. So many people are taking advantage of the "system" it's ridiculous. While doing my clinicals, I had a person openly state they are having another kid just too see if they can get more help from the government because they can't work because "it's too hard to find a job and the ones available I don't like."
its hard to have cuts in funding..but guess needs to be done..simple as that...without cuts in goverment spending we keep getting taxed more and more and more, so when does it end? maybe when for every dollar we make we are taxed 80 cents on it...i dont think so. I NEVER said it would not be hard to cut social services, medical, therapy services, or any service for that matter, but if americans are scaling back on spending, then why cant our goverment do the same? And you did make a point at end of ur paragraph--ESPECIALLY the ones I listed which are not the ones where the "lazy leech off the system?" ---thats completely b.s....for instance, i have a co worker , we make pretty good money, his wife stopped working, not due to lay offs or fired, but wanted to stay home, so he started getting food stamps equal to 400 a month for his family when she can easily work, and he can start to look for work that pays more which he has already found, but never even tried to apply for it.....people leech off every system there is and they always will....its time to cut the spending, and stop raising taxes.---FOR THE RECORD, VULCHOR, PLEASE DONT THINK IM ATTACKING OR TRYING TO OFFEND YA BROTHER...U KNOW IM JUST TRYING TO PUT MY .02 IN HERE MAN....
i understand it wont be easy for some people....and i do realize that people do need assistance...but to be completely dependent upon it is dumb. Sometimes the best love is tough love. im not saying to completely get rid of the programs, but they ALL should take a cut...not one more then the other....but still, a simple 10% off the top right away.
I dont know Joe, not trying to sound nasty----but I think that is just to simplistic an approach. Not saying cuts arent needed at some places or areas---but just an overall or sweeping generalization Im not sure about.
I know bro...its hard...but i just dont think our goverment is doing nearly enough to make cuts at any case.....i think when a budget isnt passed(california has their budget never passed and always more then 150days late), the senate should not only lose their pay, but be fired cuz what happens at work when we dont do our job...we are let go instantly. Their pay should be decreased by ten percent. Pensions should be done with. I wish I saved a article but it was how CA UC schools were demanding better pension payouts when they retired...they wanted it bumped from 120,000 a year to 350,000 a year and if they didnt get it they would sue the state.....arent they state employees....and they threatened to sue...F that, fire them! lol...dam goverment..This is why I want property in middle of no where and to own my land free and clear.