Foward Shipping....

So it looks like some of our BOTLs are having a hard time with foward shipping. Well I think i have a solution for most (for the month at least). For the next 19 days. I will foward any packages to any location at my cost. Just because this family has been so open hearted and willing to help out, I'll step up for this month. - PM ME - If you need.
I'd like to volunteer my services for forward shipping as well. If anyone would benefit from having their packages sent to Maine first, perhaps the Maritimes region? But really I'll help ship anywhere.
I just managed to get a small shipment up this way through a few friends but if something comes up that I need to jump on I will surely post. I just wish we could return the favor in some way.
Love it! I want this to be the love Canadian Botl page. Again besides DD everyone else confirmed package arrived. I'm on board with my services again as well.