That looks like a blast! I hadn't heard anything about it until I just looked, I'll be game if I can convince some local goons to go with me. And start saving, it looks like I could easily spend way too much money there.
Are the tickets really as hard to get as they make it sound?
do you end up leaving with a lot of sticks that come with admission...basically is it worth the $$ sure it would be a hell of an experience but just looking to see if its really worth it.
Would love to go with my dad and father-in-law. Their b-days are around the same time and I think they both would enjoy it. I was planning on getting 3-4 tickets this year but with a trip to Florida next month, Vegas in March, I think my wife would veto a "cigar" trip so I'm going to pass without even bringing it up. I don't want to waste all my vacation days before summer. I'll get there one of these years.
Myself and a couple of buddies are going to attend. I am originally from Allentown, PA and that is where the "pre" and "post" events are taking place (Bethlehem). Also, the family has a vacation home near big boulder (5 miles away) so we will have a blast!! We are driving in Thursday night from Pittsburgh. This will be my first year attending but I heard great things about previous years.
I went last year with my son and had a blast. Unfortunately becuse of Mothers Day this year, they moved it forward a week to April 30. That happens to be the day my son is getting married.
I thought about it for a minute, but decided I'd better attend the wedding. Just kidding! I can tell you it is worth every penny. What was best was meeting Alex and his introducing us to AJ Fernadez and the Man of War "Virgins".
I am pre-registered. Hopefully I can remember to get up early enough on Feb. 7th to get them this year (I forgot last year until 7am, but it was too late by then). I'll be driving up from North Carolina so anyone that wants to carpool is welcome! I don't mind smoking in the car, and my musical preferences are easily persuaded haha.
Preregistered too.. I'm stoked I talked the girlfriend into this. Shes becoming a real SORK so it wasn't too hard. Question: is the event at the Split Rock resort or is Split Rock a particular part of town?
Anybody know how the deals are at cigarfest? Are they irresistible or is it just like online pricing? Also are there usually rare and exclusive blends available? Just trying to get a feel for what to expect... Especially what damage it might do to my wallet
Preregistered too.. I'm stoked I talked the girlfriend into this. Shes becoming a real SORK so it wasn't too hard. Question: is the event at the Split Rock resort or is Split Rock a particular part of town?
Split Rock Resort is on the west side of Lake Harmony. So the "town" is Lake Harmony. I have never been to Split Rock Resort but I have heard good things about it.
On another note, it seems like this is a "CI" event. I am assuming ccom won't have an official "block" or "tent" there correct? Or is this just such a HUGE event that ccom can't pass up the opportunity to get involved?
me and my fellow smoke buddies here in in the chicago area, are gonna be driving out there for this event..... i heard amazing things about it...cant wait.....,maybe we all from this forum can meet up sometime that evening!!! put a few faces to this names.....
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
Preregistered too.. I'm stoked I talked the girlfriend into this. Shes becoming a real SORK so it wasn't too hard. Question: is the event at the Split Rock resort or is Split Rock a particular part of town?
Split Rock Resort is on the west side of Lake Harmony. So the "town" is Lake Harmony. I have never been to Split Rock Resort but I have heard good things about it.
On another note, it seems like this is a "CI" event. I am assuming ccom won't have an official "block" or "tent" there correct? Or is this just such a HUGE event that ccom can't pass up the opportunity to get involved?
Yes this event is put on by Cigars International who competes with in the mail order business. That said we are closely affiliated and I work with them extensively on all of the exclusive brands made for Meier and Dutch which are all sold through several e-commerce companies including and Cigars International as well as sold to some B and M stores across the country. I represent these brands at a variety of events and this is one of them. In years past I have worked with the 5 Vegas group and the stuff AJ makes. I will be there in that capacity but will of course have no representation at all since it is a CI event. I will probably have Josh and Tim there though helping me out and we would hope you guys will come by and introduce yourselves if you are there. On a side note, I just got off the phone with AJ and while his San Lotano brand isnt sold on the internet or the catalogs, he is having a San Lotano booth at Cigar Fest. he will be working with the man o war brand but will have some of his people working the San Lotano booth too!! I will say, cigar fest in my opinion is the single greatest consumer event in the country. I have seen many and it is just flat out amazing. All the top makers, lots of free cigars, good food, good entertainment. If you guys show up, just promise me you wont spend all your money there, I count on your support of to keep the lights on LOL!!
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
No worries.. I am addicted to giving you my money lol
That is funny!!! For the record I was just kidding. I love you guys customers or not!! Remember I was a cigar lover before I hitched my wagon to cigars as a livlihood and I never want to lose sight of those roots. the day this job becomes about money is the day it actually becomes a JOB and that would be one sad day for sure. That said, if any of you are headed to cigar fest, be sure to PM me in advance. Maybe we all meet up for a drink or something. Actually , better yet, maybe I will have something special cooked up for you over at the Man O War booth.
Are the tickets really as hard to get as they make it sound?
See you fellow "BORKs" there!!!!!
I thought about it for a minute, but decided I'd better attend the wedding. Just kidding! I can tell you it is worth every penny. What was best was meeting Alex and his introducing us to AJ Fernadez and the Man of War "Virgins".
On another note, it seems like this is a "CI" event. I am assuming ccom won't have an official "block" or "tent" there correct? Or is this just such a HUGE event that ccom can't pass up the opportunity to get involved?