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jsbutcjsbutc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 31
Well hello everyone, I am new to the forum and fairly new to the site. Have just been ordering for the past couple months or so since I've gotten deployed to Iraq, cigars definitely help pass the time over here and they go hand in hand with war stories swapped around the platoon and a great cup of coffee (the strongest thing we can get). I've been trollin the forums for the past few days and thought I'd introduce myself and try to get to know you guys a bit better, so, here it goes. I am an officer in the US Army, a tanker by choice but beatin feet with the infantry guys since we have no more use for tanks in Iraq (tear). I am 24 and have been smoking cigars for probably 2 years now but not that often. I just recently bought a 100 ct Man O War humidor from this site so hopefully once I get my stash up I will smoke quite a bit more often (over here, me and the guys have a cigar almost every day from what we can get...we bum off each other until mail arrives and swap what comes in when peoples orders arrive). I have come to find out i like medium to full and full bodied cigars...but don't like spicy ones (I prefer smoky or coffee...earthy I guess is the description I'm looking for). My favorites so far have been Gurkhas (super excited when I saw the Gurkha sampler on here) Man O War and the 5 Vegas. Am looking forward to trying a couple of Cubans I bought off an Iraqi the other day but unfortunately they are a lil dry right now. I have a beautiful wife, the cutest 2 year old girl, and an awesome 4 month old son and a pup waitin for me at home when I return back to the real world. While I'm here, I am responsible for 17 other soldiers, most of whom I have sucked into the cigar world and have all since started ordering from cigar.com thanks to my gunner, a cigar.com vet since his first tour to Iraq when all they did was chill in tanks and smoke a cigar to pass the time they weren't fighting for their lives. Well, that's about it for me...I am deeply honored to be here and look forward to hearing from everyone here and am open to suggestions on new sticks I should try.


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