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Rana-Chana-Quans-Mas Pass.

kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
I was gunna call it a "holiday Pass" or a "Secret Santa" but that seems more fun.

that and im not a Christmas guy. whatever.

heres the deal:
everyone who wants to participate in the secret santa style pass for the holiday season should sign up here! eventually you will all send me your name and address and i will redistribute the wealth, i mean, names to everyone. you will then send a cigar related gift to that person.

i have been a part of this on other forums in the past and there has always been a price limit(And that limit has always been broken) around $30.00 or so. the way i have handled this in the past is as such: the "main" gift is $30 and cigars are on top of that.

more details:
you must have 25+ posts AND be in good standing as a trader.
you must sign up before Thanksgiving.
the names will be distributed either that night or early the next day.
the gifs will go out starting one month from today. since today is Nov. 4th you can mail your gifts starting on Dec. 4th. Please send them out no later than Dec. 20th.
Put a return address on the box but not your real name or forum name. we want the "who got me" factor to last as long as it can. The return Addy should be "Ccom Holiday Pass"
please take out your location of your profile so cheaters cant break the system down.
when PMing me your info, please provide a short list of one thing you want and a few things you DONT want.
when you get that list after the names are redistributed you dont need to follow what they want but dont get something they dont want (duh)

i hope that takes care of it all. If there are any issues or questions please post them here. If the rules change I will go back and edit this post so that all of the rules are in the first post and easy to find.

lets have some fun!

It seems that a few people have this mixed up with a box pass. that is not what this is. It is a gift exchange... secret santa style. everyone will get a name of another forum member and they will send a gift to that member. we all send the package out at about the same time. make more sence?

another thing... there was an idea about having a "fee" or making a donation to participate in this pass. the donation would go to cigars for the troops via BadAndy. After a bit of thought i will not make this a requirement but instead a suggestion. Please donate cigars or money to go to shipping or purchasing more cigars so that people away from home during the holidays can at least have a bit of smokey joy


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