OMG lol! I'm at work, to boot! Blech! Just made a ham and egg bagel sandwich, hopefully this will help, if I can manage not to puke. I almost called in sick lol.
next time you have a hangover eat bacon. it speeds up your hang over recovery because it has a ton of amino acids in it that your body needs and it also helps your neurotransmitters, which were messed up from the alcohol, and because of that it gives you a clearer head
No Jagerbombs or car bombs this time. After about 3 bottles of wine with lunch, I decided it would be a good idea to have some flaming Dr. Pepper bombs and a couple of beers. Then I decided to shotgun a tall-can of Carlsberg. ? What an idiot...
...just saw a bag on my desk at home. I looked in it, oh yeah, totally forgot that as I staggered home from lunch that day I went into a store and spent 100 bucks on a cigar lighter that I didn't need. lmao
I think my friend and I must have had a half-dozen bottles of wine at lunch, then we went home and kept pounding drinks. lmao