Sorry to hear about the accident. As a verteran of some time on the Injured Reserve, I know the injury could be a ligament issue as you suggest or a maybe something else that (while certainly painful) could have a great chance of healing well. I have had some painful experiences that did not require much attention outside of resting /ice and Aleve. So I am kieeping the fingers crossed it's just a minor strain or sprain that will improve with some R&R. For sure go see the ortho.
You sir are wiser than you realize. She is taking NSAID's and making a remarkable recovery. Off of crutches, and returning to some normal activities with the use of a cane for extra support until she can trust the knee again. Full recovery without surgery is a possibility. I want to thank all of my brothers who showed up in mass to offer prayers and well wishes. You guys don't know how much it means to me.
You sir are wiser than you realize. She is taking NSAID's and making a remarkable recovery. Off of crutches, and returning to some normal activities with the use of a cane for extra support until she can trust the knee again. Full recovery without surgery is a possibility. I want to thank all of my brothers who showed up in mass to offer prayers and well wishes. You guys don't know how much it means to me.
Thats what we are here for Gypsy...glad to hear things are going well.