Yes, sir, you do. It's best to segregate infused cigars from your others as the infused cigars will change the smell and taste of the non-infused cigars. Get a cheap 20 or 50 count and use that for your infused sticks.
I seperate! I use the humidor for my non-infused cigars and a tupperware with humipack for infused. I've never mixed cause I didn't want to contaminate the non-infused. Its nice to have a flavored cigar every now and again but I don't want them all to be that way.
I have a stash of Kuba Kuba's and I keep them in the cello and have them sperated from the rest of my sticks but I keep them in the same humi, just under a different divider. I've had no problems with my other sticks tasting like the Kuba's. Just dont let them touch each other. IMO.
I don't keep them separate. I've not yet noticed any change in my Cohiba's or Cain Nubs and the Cohiba's have been in there for about 2 months with quite a few Drew Estate infused sticks.
I dunno. Back when I was just getting into it, I mixed some infused sticks I never smoked with some regular cigars, and I really noticed a difference in flavor.