If you own a cooledor, I have a question
I went from a zip lock bag, to a 100 count humi, to 2 hundred count humis, and now looking for a cooledor!!!!
I've read the few threads in here and had a question for guys who own one.
Here is my issue. I'm in Houston and during the summer months it get hot as hell here! I remember my humi getting into the mid 80 last year, got me worried about beetles and stuff. My house during the summer months gets to high 70's while no one is at home. Cant be running the AC all day ya know.
So my question is..
Does the cooler hold better temps even if my house is high 70s? How do I keep it around 65 in there?
For RH, I'm going to use beads or Kitty Litter. Was thinking about an Oust fan for circulation also or should I just buy the Oasis XL??
I've read the few threads in here and had a question for guys who own one.
Here is my issue. I'm in Houston and during the summer months it get hot as hell here! I remember my humi getting into the mid 80 last year, got me worried about beetles and stuff. My house during the summer months gets to high 70's while no one is at home. Cant be running the AC all day ya know.
So my question is..
Does the cooler hold better temps even if my house is high 70s? How do I keep it around 65 in there?
For RH, I'm going to use beads or Kitty Litter. Was thinking about an Oust fan for circulation also or should I just buy the Oasis XL??
Personally, I wouldn't go with an Oasis. I'd just use Boveda packs or beads. The simpler, the better. Those Oust fans look interesting. I'm going to have to hunt one down and check them out. Sorry, that's not much of an answer.
Edit: Also, high 70s in temp isn't too bad. Just make sure your RH is below 70 and you should be ok.
I have resorted to using ice in mine. I have a rather large cooler and lots of room for an ice block. I just put a block of ice into a container that won't leak and place it at the bottom of the cooler. The ice slowly melts and the temps stay down to the low 70's. I also use tons of beads and I never have to charge them in the summer so any extra moisture from the ice block seems to be absorbed by the beads as my RH has never gone up by more then 2 points.
This works for me when it gets really hot in the mid summer.
First off, good question! We seem to spend a lot of time figuring out RH solutions, but little time discussing temperature issues.
I will take the easy one first - the Oasis XL is an excellent "set it and forget it" solution for RH, although it wont help with the temperature issue. Similarly, an Oust fan will circulate the air inside the coolidor but again wont help with the temp.
A few ideas come to mind... first, since heat rises, keep the cooler on the floor. Second, definitely keep the cooler out of direct sunlight, and against interior walls - in a closet might be a good idea, provided that the back of the closet doesnt butt up against an outside wall.
If these arent enough to keep the temp down where you need it (and somebody help me out here, beetles hatching begins to be a concern at 80F degrees???), if you have the room to spare you may want to put some of those plastic reusable freezer packs in the cooler while you are out for the day.
If you are a smart boy (and Im sure you are), you will pick up a cooler rated for 5 to 7 days. Given that sort of insulation in the cooler, and a temp in the 70's exterior to the cooler, a freezer pack or two should be enough to drop the interior temp of the cooler that extra few degrees so that you will not have to worry about beetles.
The downsides of this idea are 1) you will have to put the freezer packs in every day, and 2) they could sweat as they warm up. Easily taken care of by putting the freezer packs in some sort of containment, such as tupperware.
Of course, all of this could be a moot point if ya just bump the thermostat down a couple degrees... :-D
Where the he11 are our physics guys anyway??? LOL
Dry ice is also expensive sometimes (by comparison) and is not always readily available.
Laker, but the ice moisture that the beads absorb, its not distilled water, any issue of molding in the beads? What about odor free Kitty litter?? I've heard great things about it and its much much cheaper to purchase than pounds of beads.
When I purchase it, I will make sure I have some room at the bottom to place beads and stuff, kind of like a bottom layer for all the needed products
The way I thought about it though was that most of the water is actually melted into the container which is thrown out. So I am only dealing with the very small amount of water which actually evaporates and goes into the beads. This water vapor may contain some or all of the contaminants of non distilled water but I'm guessing at least some of the salts and such that are left behind in a dish after water has evaporated would react the same way in this situation. I have done this for two summers and have no problem with my beads. I suppose if you were worried about it, a guy could just buy a bottle of distilled water and "wash" his beads every once in a while.
As for the kitty litter? Don't know haven't tried it. My thinking is that these beads don 't wear out and so don't really need exchanging. That and the fact that Conservagel beads are so cheap anyway, I just figure I don't need an extra 4 or 5 pounds of kitty litter that I won't use. (My cat's go outside)
like a plastic block you stick in your freezer overnight which freezes and then you use that for putting in a cooler??
if you use this you wouldnt have the problem of evaporating ice, if you make sure its moisture free on the outside before you put it in, (not a problem if you've got a frost free freezer
i had two of these last summer and put my whole humi into a cool box,( not suitable for conversion into a cooladoor
amd a few thin ones for sticking in gaps
I like the idea of freezer packs keeping the temp down, I wish I could use those in my wooden humis. There are about 2 weeks in Maine where it gets damn hot and it's always given me beetle anxiety.
same deal as a humi, get a bigger one than than you think you need because you will just fill it up anyways...
I went and looked at them in person and the igloo 50 and 100qts were not in good condition - I could see into the cooler with the lids closed. The other coleman 100qts that were there didn't have a good seal. Go in person if you can and check them out yourself. Another thing, the 100 qts looked monstrous in the store. My 50qt looks way too small now and it's empty, lol.