Humidity Level?
Hi everyone - this is my first post - I've been smoking for about 6 months now and would definitely consider myself addicted to the hobby. I have a humidor that currently houses 26 cigars (with 5more on the way) just a selection of different brands sizes, etc.
I've got ICE Gel Crystals in my case for humidification but am finding myself constantly having to wipe down the inside of my humidor to keep it at 70. I can drop the lid from a fully open position and it will stay open about a 1/4" so I don't think it's a seal issue (but what do I know!)
I currently house my humidor inside of my liquor cabinet so there shouldn't be a heat issue, but I'm at a loss and desperately need suggestions.
Thanks for any help
Smokin' Scott
I've got ICE Gel Crystals in my case for humidification but am finding myself constantly having to wipe down the inside of my humidor to keep it at 70. I can drop the lid from a fully open position and it will stay open about a 1/4" so I don't think it's a seal issue (but what do I know!)
I currently house my humidor inside of my liquor cabinet so there shouldn't be a heat issue, but I'm at a loss and desperately need suggestions.
Thanks for any help

Smokin' Scott
Thanks for the reply
If all else fails say its the humidity gremlins messing with your gel.
Should i just buy a new digi meter? Any suggestions on a good one?
I have Xikars now I like them bc all you do is hold down the button and it automatically sets it to 75
I bought one of those a week ago, filled a soda cap 3/4 with salt and saturated the salt, no standing water, put in zip lock waited 4 hours and held down the button, viola calibrated. I started getting some funky reading out of it ( 40 cigars in a 60 humidor and it reads 76% with one jar of xikar beads) so for schitzengiggles i do the whole process reads 79 after 4 hours? Did i get a bad one?
but thats me...
the first time you use those if you are using with 50/50 i would recommend that the first time you fill it you use only water. the next time you use only 50/50
from there i wouldnt put in 50/50 more than once every 6 months.
or just switch to beads.
I hate when it gets that high. The connecticuts and natural wrappers are kinda ok, but the maduros... they just tunnel again and again on me if the RH is too high.
As to the other poster talking about dryness and having trouble holding the humi RH, i have something of a similar problem in my house. I use beads now, and up in my bedroom, it dances between 61-63% RH, whereas down in my utility room, i can keep it a constant 65%. I know its more humid down there, but...theres something to be said about the ambient enviornment a humidor sits in and the effect it has within.
Its my opinion that if you can keep them above 61% RH, they're still ok..a few % lower and the wrapper starts flaking and such. This is just my taste but im happiest when theyve been soaking at 65%, no flaking, no bitterness, no tunneling, no lighting issues, a just right porridge...
Id love to hear if others agree with me on that one.