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Excessive Cigar Smoking (CCOM Forum Supporters are the Greatest)



  • RoyalCigarsRoyalCigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 106
    Some guys smoke to celebrate new years, some only do it on poker night or when their wife has a baby. Others smoke because they love to smoke. I love to smoke cigars, there is so much to try and and sample. So many new editions, limited editions, special editions. Then of course there is your regular cigars which you keep in regular rotation. So much to smoke so little time, so light up and enjoy! Don't let anyone ruin it for you! I agree with one of the other posts, next time you have a cigar at work, bring an extra for your co-worker.

    -Regards and Long Ashes!

  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    RCY Cigars:

    Thanks zeebra, just a little venting. The guy almost made me feel like a little kid because he's a quote un quote, experienced aficionado. But to answer your question, I'm going to have a Padillia Miami for the first time tonight.

    Experienced aficionado... kinda rymes with Exponential @$$ho|3. He is an officer, he paid somewhere between 40K and 70K for a degree that he doesn't use and he is upset about it. I understand that, but IMO, I believe that NO ONE should tell anyone else how to smoke or why to smoke.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    RCY Cigars:

    Thanks zeebra, just a little venting. The guy almost made me feel like a little kid because he's a quote un quote, experienced aficionado. But to answer your question, I'm going to have a Padillia Miami for the first time tonight.

    Experienced aficionado... kinda rymes with Exponential @$$ho|3. He is an officer, he paid somewhere between 40K and 70K for a degree that he doesn't use and he is upset about it. I understand that, but IMO, I believe that NO ONE should tell anyone else how to smoke or why to smoke.

    Yes SSG, I'm tracking, lol...

    Seriously though, he'll be alright and I'll continue to do what I do. This best way I feel...
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I try to celebrate being alive and loving life every chance I get.......with a cigar. This is my outlook and I'm possibly the biggest pessimist on the planet. :P
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    There are a number of things that EVERYONE has an opinion on as to what is the "right" way to do something...cook a steak (see above), lift weights (you wanna get big you gotta lift heavy...), disciplining a child, diets, blah, blah, blah. Ultimately it comes down to your results based on your efforts/practices. A while back I did a "one new cigar every day for a week" stretch just so I could try a few new sticks. I don't usually toast that often but no problems based on my desire to expand the palate. I often get comments when I am eating something special to control my weight (I am a competitive athlete) for a competition. Often I am eating for the nutrition and not the taste. People come up and say,"You're eating that with that?" So I usually respond with something along the lines of,"Am I making you eat it?" They of course say no. "Then what do you care what I eat?" comes next. Then I usually scold them for being nosy and rude. That usually shuts them up. (see BMI question in above thread for similar discussion)
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Key word being "officer". Most of them are pretentious bungholes..... Especially the airforce ones.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    There are a number of things that EVERYONE has an opinion on as to what is the "right" way to do something...cook a steak (see above), lift weights (you wanna get big you gotta lift heavy...), disciplining a child, diets, blah, blah, blah.
    are you seriously comparing me to that guy?
    me teaching someone how to cook (my paid profession and their job to do it the way i tell them to) is not comparable to some guy telling someone how to spend their free unpaid time.

    there is subjectivity in cooking, but at some point i work for a chain restaurant that wants consistency from one place to the next. i teach people to do that.
    if the people i am teaching dont like the way things are run in the company, they are more then welcome to seek employment elsewhere. if they chose to stay, then it is their job to do things the way the company sees fit. thats why we pay them.

    you did not take away from the story what i was trying to point out. i was trying to point out that the more familiar you are with something, the more you tend to understand it.... thus negating what the officer said.
    I often get comments when I am eating something special to control my weight (I am a competitive athlete) for a competition. Often I am eating for the nutrition and not the taste. People come up and say,"You're eating that with that?" So I usually respond with something along the lines of,"Am I making you eat it?" They of course say no. "Then what do you care what I eat?" comes next. Then I usually scold them for being nosy and rude. That usually shuts them up. (see BMI question in above thread for similar discussion)


    they are just curious as to what/why you are eating that. it is a combo that is not normally seen and therefore sparks curiosity. when they ask about it because they are curious/shocked because of social norms you give them what you see as a witty quip. they may see it as you being a sarcastic jerk.
    yes, you probably did shut them up. but as they walk away they are probably muttering unkind things under their breath.

  • TheedgeTheedge Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 316
    I don't understand how someone could really enjoy cigars on special occassions only. My friends like to light one up with me on occassion, they never finish as they start to turn green. I suppose I could call it a "special" shade of green.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    It is obvious that cigar smokers are generally more independent thinkers and comfortable within themselves. Consider the time we spend alone, pondering the meaning of life. Most people tend to be uncomfortable with only their own thoughts. Now, go away.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I don't understand how someone could really enjoy cigars on special occassions only.
    It's people who like the idea of cigar smoking, but not enough to actually do more than that. They don't love cigars, and most likely know very little about them.
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    I love the free flow of ideas in this thread. The thoughts shared about special occasion, guilt, squeezing one in, taking time for oneself, +, + are many of the same things I have 'struggled' with. It has been a struggle within myself to 'justify' the time to do something I have come to greatly enjoy, but something that I truly must carve time out for, as I am pretty busy (as is everyone :). I have caught myself justifying my new hobby by saying 'it forces me to slow down and enjoy the smoke, it's tastes, flavour, changes as notice them...and that I pay good $ to buy good cigars, that if rushed, will be ruined..as you can't smoke them quickly'...the response is typically quiet, but even if non-smokers they seem to get it, and respect that we all need some time for ourselves.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    I have a friend who is 6'6'' and he always gets the " my your tall , did you play basketball " ? He responds by saying " did you play minature golf " ? This usually results in about 4-5 seconds of the deer in the headlight look followed by either laughter or an apology along with " I bet you hear that all the time , sorry , I really deserved your response . "

    Oh and no , there is no such foolishness as excessive cigar smoking . Who the he_ll thinks of this stuff : )
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    Screw that guy!
  • gaberoxgaberox Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 824
    Only when my palate is so wrecked I cant taste my cigar do I consider it waste or excessive. Ive had a few 4 cigar days like that. Though in the spring/summer 3 in a day is not uncommon for me.
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    I had 4 yesterday lol....I'd love someone to make that comment to me...
    Would you tell them "Say 'Hallo' to mah little frand"?
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