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Crossword Clue Game

Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
Ok, new game here. It's based on crossword clues. The way it works is the person who's turn it is will give a certain number of crossword style clues. The clues, followed by how many letters are in the given answer. The clues ideally should form a sentence. For instance:

1. ____ Rider. Movie, 4 letters
2. amarillo. 6 letters
3. ______ and stones. 6 letters
4. God of war, minus the s. 3 letters
5. Thhheeeyyyyy'rrreee _____! 5 letters
6. Coming ____? Slang, 4 letters
7. My second drug of choice. 6 letters

The answer would be: Pale Yellow Sticks Are Great With Coffee.

The first person to post all answers in the correct order wins the game. The person whose turn it is will then send the winner a package of cigars. 3 stick minimum and they should be decent sticks. No one's expecting Opus X, but we don't want to see White Owls either. Use common sense. Upon receiving his cigars, the winner is expected to post a crossword clue game of his own within 48 hours, and the cycle continues.

The person whose turn it is, is the final arbitrator on what the correct answer is. Think about your clues, if there's more than one answer be fair. Please only 2 guesses in a 24 hour period. The game is open to anyone on the Good Traders list. Thanks for playing.



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