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Opinion: Paul Ryan's Budget Resolution



  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    actually the govt has been decreasing regulation thus wall street and huge profits for corporations for many sectors that are suppose to be regulated. Hell the govt doesn't enforce anti trust anymore. And tax cuts are not spending yes, however tax cuts make people lose money, jobs, and allow less money to come to our govt. Also your numbers on the debt raising under obama are false. Bush not only passed medicare part D which wasn't paid for and was a huge gift to the pharmisutical industry he pushed this country into two wars not paid for, pushed for lower tax cuts for the super rich... That's just scratching the surface. Obama put all of this in his budget. so Yes there was a large increase.

    Lol - are you even listening to yourself anymore? Tax cuts cause people to LOSE money? Since when does allowing a person to keep more of their own paycheck cause someone to lose money?! Since when does a tax cut LOSE jobs? Last I checked, companies needed money to hire people; the less they pay to the Gov't, the more they can use to hire; the more they're taxed, the more bureaucrats and public union employees are hired. So if that's what you're referring to, then yes - tax cuts cause public employees to lose their public-sector jobs and get private-sector jobs. That's a good thing.

    Finally, lest you forget, Bush pushed a tax cut for ALL Americans, not "those evil rich guys"; and his medicare part D is something a lot of conservatives still disagree with.

    EDIT - Like I said, the Ryan budget incorporates the debt commissions proposal to end all tax loopholes and create 3 tax brackets - 8%, 15%, and 25% - so it DOES close the loopholes and lowers the tax rate from 35% (which no one actually pays), to 25% (which is actually higher than the approximate 23% that large corporations actually pay after the loopholes)

    lol, more of their own money. Hate to break it to you but a lot of the richest people do not make that money themselves. A lot of it is money from other people they are playing with. I posted links to such things if you read them. And when a billionaire pays less in taxes than I do at under 100000 a year yes, there is something wrong with that.

    Oh and going on your logic companies need money to pay and hire people.. Okay so tell me where are all the jobs? Where are all the jobs that these "companies" and "rich people" have hired and paid when they are sitting on over a trillion dollars? Where are all the job creation with all of this "money"? Yeah no where. Bush had some of the lowest growth rates in our history and that just so happens to be when he lowered the tax rate. Clinton raised had the tax rate at around 39 or so and the budget was surpluses when he left office, however bush and the gop pushed for tax cuts, wars and not paying for things which left huge debts and no job growth and led to the meltdown which was in part to de-regulation and massive job losses but huge profits. makes sense, give the rich more of their "money" and take money from people making under 50000.... yeah makes sense.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    actually the govt has been decreasing regulation thus wall street and huge profits for corporations for many sectors that are suppose to be regulated. Hell the govt doesn't enforce anti trust anymore. And tax cuts are not spending yes, however tax cuts make people lose money, jobs, and allow less money to come to our govt. Also your numbers on the debt raising under obama are false. Bush not only passed medicare part D which wasn't paid for and was a huge gift to the pharmisutical industry he pushed this country into two wars not paid for, pushed for lower tax cuts for the super rich... That's just scratching the surface. Obama put all of this in his budget. so Yes there was a large increase.

    Lol - are you even listening to yourself anymore? Tax cuts cause people to LOSE money? Since when does allowing a person to keep more of their own paycheck cause someone to lose money?! Since when does a tax cut LOSE jobs? Last I checked, companies needed money to hire people; the less they pay to the Gov't, the more they can use to hire; the more they're taxed, the more bureaucrats and public union employees are hired. So if that's what you're referring to, then yes - tax cuts cause public employees to lose their public-sector jobs and get private-sector jobs. That's a good thing.

    Finally, lest you forget, Bush pushed a tax cut for ALL Americans, not "those evil rich guys"; and his medicare part D is something a lot of conservatives still disagree with.

    EDIT - Like I said, the Ryan budget incorporates the debt commissions proposal to end all tax loopholes and create 3 tax brackets - 8%, 15%, and 25% - so it DOES close the loopholes and lowers the tax rate from 35% (which no one actually pays), to 25% (which is actually higher than the approximate 23% that large corporations actually pay after the loopholes)

    the debt commission is just like most "panels" created in the govt to over sea something. The 9-11 commission, the warren commission... the list can go on. Many if not most economists laugh at the debt commissions report. Just one thing that makes it un credible is that they want to raise the SS age, I mean really? Why? I mean just lift the cap!!!! But no, that wouldn't be right. So that's just one example. If they really would close all loop holes then why not say it! Why would they block even one bill to stop subsidies to big oil? Because they are not going too!!!!

    Oh and bush's tax rate, well let's see, mine dropped so small that I never saw it but hell if I was making 5 mil I would see it though it would be small. So why then? If just extending the damn tax cuts for the top is some where around 700 million why do it? I mean if the GOP is so set on lowering borrowing and debt? Oh well that's important, they give them money.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Pheebs, it really is pointless talking to you. You're either a Marxist or a Socialist, not sure which - your solution to everything is to confiscate from those who have and give to those that don't, while raising Gov't spending, increasing regulations, and raising taxes. In your book, the best periods in America's history are when tax rates are high, and the Gov't confiscates as much money as possible, and somehow the economy crashes when tax rates and social services are cut. Everyone who's wealthy got there by stepping on someone else, and everyone who's poor must've gotten stepped on. Everything's black/white with you - the "evil rich" are all robber barons, and the "noble poor" are all being downtrodden by the elitists. There really is point in even having a debate with you.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Yeah I'm a socialist in many ways, though I know it's wrong to put those who are making out so damn well to actually pay more than us pions. It's okay to want to cut social programs and give that money to those who don't need it. It's okay to take away American jobs and outsource it, it's okay to gut the govt. and allow private enterprise to run it. Yeah. It's pointless talking to you when you buy into this elite ideology and actually believe it's the medicare and ss that is hurting this country. And that poor people get too much. While ignoring the huge bonus's from giant corporations while they fire people, outsource, take advantage of loop holes and breaks given to them by our govt which they spend so much money on lobbying. Yeah Throw that name out at me, I love it, as you don't even know what it really means. label me all you want, doesn't change the FACT that our policies in this country are so screwed up that no other industrialized country wants to model off of us anymore. Your lovely tea baggers and lovely corporate gop are doing so well in making this country better. Hell they are bringing it to a shutdown. When your loved one's or your family are paying more for their medicare, getting cut from care and when the SS is privatized and lost in their games you might be able to remember why it happened.

    You some how think when I mean rich I mean everyone, no I don't I know there are good rich people out there just like poor people. You fail to see the money trail, the proof, and READ what is actually documented, however you like to listen to fox news (which lies repeatedly) and is solely owned by a person who is so entrenched in ideology like many of the news networks that the truth is so far from the lips of the anchors and stories themselves. You like many other people have been fooled. People in many states woke up and are rebelling from this new crazy wave. Maybe its not enough right now, maybe when the next bubble bursts and when wall street tanks again and it will and it will be worse; and when the US is no longer the dominate currency which in case will possibly cause catastrophic damage you may wake up. But it will be too late. I dunno man, then again you may just keep on thinking like you do and think that reagan fixed everything and that what was established before him was all wrong.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Sorry bro. I love you. You know I do. But you're making this way too easy for me.

    True to a point. Yes the cheapest bid gets the job however cheap isn't always the best way. It's like buying a kia vs buying a bmw or mercedes. You get what you pay for.

    Very true that cheap isn't always best. That's all "Time and Materials" contracts have been done away with and all contracts have moved to "Performance Based" contracts. This happened at the beginning of last year. If performance goals are not met, that contractor is moved out of the facility and the next is moved it. Contracts are on a 90 day basis and get renewed if performance goals are met. If the the contractor does not meet the objectives at any point, they will be removed and replaced.

    However there is so much fraud and waste that goes into contractors that work for the DOD. So in essence it's not cheaper, or should I say could be cheaper if there were tighter reins on the money and the work.

    There are tighter reins on the money and the work. Work, time logged, materials, and overall quality of work are constantly evaluated on a daily basis by military GIO's (Government Inspections Officer). When discrepancies are discovered, the GIO's write CAR's (Corrective Action Requests) to inform that the contractor that improvements need to be made or instructions need to be complied with. If too many CAR's stack up, or if the contractors are not responding appropriately to the CAR's, the contractor will be removed and another contractor will be installed.

    There are countless articles over how much money is wasted with contractors for DOD not to mention the waste of money on private military contractors rather than our own troops which actually have some loyalty to this country.

    Two things to touch on on this statement. First, what exactly are these articles referring to as "waste." That can be a pretty tricky thing to define. If I told you that every time I changed an engine on a V22 Osprey (ps... please try to criticize this aircraft.... please!!! I dare you!) that I needed to replace 4 "gimble" bolts, each of which cost around $800 a piece and that the old ones were to be discarded, you might call that waste. If I told you that these bolts were made of titanium, are assembled into multiple pieces, and have specially designed sections that allow the bolt to flex without causing damage, and that these are the only things that attach the engine to the proprotor gearbox, the thing that turns the rotors and keeps the plane flying, if I told you these items were essential to keeping our servicemen and women safe while in the air, you might have a different opinion of whether this is waste or not.

    Second, just what in the hell do you mean by "troops who actually have some loyalty to this country?" This in itself tells me you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! You do realize that 99.999 percent of defense contractors are veterans who have, at one point in their life, vowed to defend our country, support the constitution, and obey the directions of the President of the United States of America! I don't work with one person out of a couple hundred who haven't taken this oath! I love the fact that I work next to patriots every day! I love the fact that my work helps support Marines, Sailors, and Airmen across the globe! I love that everyday I get the opportunity to make a difference and advance the defense of our nation and the interests of our country. And I love the fact that I work next to hundreds of individuals on a daily basis who feel exactly the same way.

    So please tell me what else you think you know about DoD contractors.
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