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Upcoming event with A.J.

jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
Well, there's an event coming up on June 18th at my not-so-local (40+ miles) B&M where I could - emphasis on 'could' - have dinner at A.J.'s table and smoke with him after dinner. Unfortunately, yours truly won't be there. I'd give a left nut to go, but can't on an old, retired guy's income.

The tariff to get in will be $60 + the purchase of 2 boxes of his San Lotano stogies. And if you want to sit at his table and smoke with him after dinner, you'll need to buy a 3rd box. Just a little rich for this old man's budget... sob, sob.

Oh, well...life's a b*tch and then ya die. Who said life was supposed to be fair?



  • doromathdoromath Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 576
    That's kinda crappy man, sorry to hear about the barrier :(

    Trying to figure a way around this: Do you need to buy the boxes from the B&M or any vendor? I'm thinking there's more than enough fans of AJ and the San Lotano around here to do a box split, especially if ordering them from CCOM counts. I don't have funds until May (or maybe early June) but I would throw my cigar money at a box split.

    Maybe if we buy and split 3 boxes of San Lotano's from CCOM A.J. will side-invite you to his table ;)
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    Having never been to such an event I need to ask if this is the norm? While I understand the need to elminate/reduce the amount of rif-raf that just shows up at these things....isn't advertising meant to bring new people to your establishment/product/etc.? Seems like extortion to me, forcing them to buy a lot of stuff to get in the door....very interested to know from the botl's here is this is how these things are always run.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    The few events I've attended that were put on by this B&M weren't done this way. Usually, it was just $20 or $25 to get in and that included some free sticks and maybe some other promotional gifts - cutters, etc. but those events didn't include dinner. This dinner is being held at what I imagine is a pretty nice restaurant in Auburn, CA whereas, before, we just had free hors d'ouvres and a no-host bar.

    And, in this instance, you'd have to buy the boxes from the B&M since they're the ones hosting it. On the plus side, they don't all have to be bought at once - just as long as they're bought before the event takes place. At least, that's the way it was explained to me.

    I don't see a way for me to go although maybe some of the young turks who live in the area might work a deal with some of you guys. For me, even the $60 is out of reach, never mind buying 2 or 3 boxes of sticks.

    Ah, well, C'est La Vie, eh?


  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    how much is a box ofr sticks?
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I don't know but will find out - stay tuned...


  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Okay, here's the quick & dirty answer - the guy tells me prices start at $140ish up to around $150ish. Pretty precise, huh? He was kinda busy and I didn't feel like pressing him on the point.


  • zeebrazeebra Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,166
    He does not speak English, so kinda pointless sitting with him IMO.
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    How about you buy a few sticks on your own and smoke them after you have a nice dinner with out him. win win win!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    so... this thread should be titled "4 boxes of San Lotanos to split; who is in?"

    im sure you can find 8 people here to buy half a box worth of assorted san lotanos as a sampler. then all you have to do is get the entry fee. how soon do you have to order for the event and how can we help this happen?
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    If a box split happens and we can get Marty into this event. I will offer to sell a nice (in my opinion) package of AF and some kickers for the $60 cover.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Kuzi, your idea has some merit and I thank you for it. I'm gonna hold it in abeyance for now, though. I'm kinda surprised that there's been no response from Hays, Joey, Redtailhawk, and I think there are a few others who live close enough to be interested in the event. Maybe they're at work and haven't seen the post yet.

    there are a couple other side issues that I'd still have to deal with and I didn't want to clutter up this post with all the details - that's why I thought maybe some of those guys might be better suited to working out a plan so they could go instead of me. Let's wait a while and see if any of them chime in.

    Meanwhile, I'll grind the other issues around in my head and see if I can come up with a plan.


  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I'm ready to try San Lotano. I'll put up for a half box -. I'll even throw in a few bucks for gas.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    If we're talking about the Habano wrapped toro, I might be up for half a box. I'd have to check funds and such, but let us know a concrete price when you're able.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Okay, guys, I've got a kernel of an idea rattling around in there so I'll get solid prices on each and let everyone know. I'm going fishing with our son in the morning (my best herfin' buddy) and I'll have him help me crunch it out. I'll keep you posted.

    And I forgot my manners a while back. Doromath had also mentioned a box split sort of a deal and I failed to thank him, too. Thanks, Doromath, it just may work.

    As I see it, it comes down to a math problem. There are 3 wrappers and folks are probably gonna want some of each. With 20 sticks to the box plus the various vitolas available, buying the right number of boxes so everyone gets what they want could get complicated. I could set up a spreadsheet and list everyones preferences and possibly make it come out even. Folks could PM me with their preferences. It's still rough but the idea might come together.

    Like I said, I'll keep ya posted. The gears are still grinding.


  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Alright, here's how the prices come out:

    Robusto = $154.80 per box of 20 or $7.74 per stick
    Toro = $164.54 " " " " $8.23 " "
    Torpedo = $174.28 " " " " $8.71 " "
    Churchill = $174.28 " " " " $8.71 " "

    Prices include sales tax.. Torps and churchills are the same price. The event will be on June 18th and I can buy them up to within a few days of the event to qualify.

    We're still a little premature but if you want to start PM'ing your wants to me I'll start keeping track when I get home tomorrow afternoon.


  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    i heard about this event and new you had to buy a ticket but 2 box of cigars is a lot just to go to event guess i will be going to the event at fat mans on the same day.
  • doromathdoromath Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 576
    No worries Marty.

    I would be up for getting in on a few, probably a fiver at least. I'm not picky so don't mind playing cleanup once boxes get set.
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    The tariff to get in will be $60 + the purchase of 2 boxes of his San Lotano stogies. And if you want to sit at his table and smoke with him after dinner, you'll need to buy a 3rd box.

    damn i was going to go to this but i dont want any more than a 5er of those. i dont have enough room for 3 boxes.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Here's what I suggest, guys...send me a PM telling me what you'd be in for - what vitola, what wrapper, how many, etc. I'll set up a list and post each guy's wants. Then I'll try to work out how many boxes of each to buy. I'll lay it all out there for each of you to look at well before any final decision is made.

    If it meets with everyone's approval, I'll buy what we agree on. If not, we'll just forget the whole thing. What could be easier? At the very least it could be an exercise in futility. But, oh well....


  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    hey bro just read the thread....i actually posted about this even months back as i was the first in cali to know about him coming here! lol....as far as me going..i was down, but not that ron is charging 60bucks to get in....i love the shop but thats just BS.....this is my shop i do go to and even i wont attend....awesome prices around as far as shops go but no way will i attend...but i dont think redtailhawk will go, neither will hays(check with them as im not sure), but for me i wont
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    i heard about this event and new you had to buy a ticket but 2 box of cigars is a lot just to go to event guess i will be going to the event at fat mans on the same day.
    do you have any info on this event christian?
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    hey bro just read the thread....i actually posted about this even months back as i was the first in cali to know about him coming here! lol....as far as me going..i was down, but not that ron is charging 60bucks to get in....i love the shop but thats just BS.....this is my shop i do go to and even i wont attend....awesome prices around as far as shops go but no way will i attend...but i dont think redtailhawk will go, neither will hays(check with them as im not sure), but for me i wont
    Hey Marty... just caught the thread too. I heard about the event when Joey brought it to my attention, but yeah, this entry fee is just far too much to warrant interest in me (not to mention, I'm not even a fan of San Lotano). As someone mentioned already, he doesn't speak English so I can't imagine a sit-down dinner with him would be much other than a frantic run through an interpreter in any case. Whatever the case, if you can pull it off Marty I'll look forward to hearing about it and hopefully seeing pictures.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Good mornin', guys. After a buncha head scratchin' and mulling things over, I've decided to go with the wisdom of those of you who said it's too expensive. It's just not worth all they're asking.

    My thanks to Isaac, Kuzi, beatnic, Russ55, and the rest of you for your generous offers of help put a plan together and to Doromath who sorta started the idea rolling. It sounded tempting at first but cooler heads prevailed. You guys are the greatest. It's hard to believe the generosity of the BOTL's on this forum.


  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Well, there's an event coming up on June 18th at my not-so-local (40+ miles) B&M where I could - emphasis on 'could' - have dinner at A.J.'s table and smoke with him after dinner. Unfortunately, yours truly won't be there. I'd give a left nut to go, but can't on an old, retired guy's income.

    The tariff to get in will be $60 + the purchase of 2 boxes of his San Lotano stogies. And if you want to sit at his table and smoke with him after dinner, you'll need to buy a 3rd box. Just a little rich for this old man's budget... sob, sob.

    Oh, well...life's a b*tch and then ya die. Who said life was supposed to be fair?


    Hmmm I posted a thread about this event the day it was Anounced, weeks ago.... Yeah the rediculous *** for this event....... I have been to a couple of events here its always been open door, BBQ etc...... truth be known..... Rumor I hear is that this shop is struggling to stay open.......Not one to spread rumors but this came from a VERY Good source! Hell i think all the B&M's with the ecxeption of 2-3 in the area are struggling. This economy doesnt lend itself to over priced cigars from Arogant ( if your not in our Click, leave your money and get the *** out) Cigar shops. LOL
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    Well the funny part is...u know poeple out there will drop 3 boxes of cigars and the entrance fee just to sit with AJ fernandez and have a smoke with him and eat with him...FUNNY PART IS....he doesnt realy speak any english at all so ur paying around 500 bucks to hear jibberish...at that point, might as well listen to the spanish station for free lol!! jkjk. Dont get me wrong, it would be cool to meet him and all, but not for the price point.
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    i heard about this event and new you had to buy a ticket but 2 box of cigars is a lot just to go to event guess i will be going to the event at fat mans on the same day.
    do you have any info on this event christian?
    its a fat mans in sacramento on the same date, its this big Northern California herf i heard last year they past out like 700 free cigars.
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    hmmm guess ill be hitting the fat mans event
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    lol..i dont know how many were there but i know hays and i easily got 15 each...maybe 20 each and they were all premiums and delicious.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    After a couple Emails back and fourth with Lisa at the Tobaccoo republic about this event and the Cost and whats required to Go to this Dinner or to MEET AJ.... Here is what I was Told Directley from the Source!

    Hey Ozzie, Thanks for the input, we always appreciate customer feedback! As far as the San Lotano Cigar event at TR - AJ will be here all afternoon to meet and greet our customers and there is no charge to attend the event at the shop. There is a small dinner party with A.J. that evening that we are selling tickets for, but please come out and enjoy the day at the shop if you can. Hope to see you there.
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