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StoogeeStoogee Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 157
Watch this it is probably the worst injury ever in the UFC. It happened on Wedensday night in UFCs fight for the troops on a non televised under card fight.

the first link is the short version the second link is the whole fight


  • rmccloudrmccloud Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 160
    The slow motion replay of that was horrible.

    Joe Rogan had it right when he said "Oh Man"
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    That's a pretty nasty one. I think that fight was the first time I've seen that bad of a leg break and also the first time I've seen an arm bar hyper-extend the elbow. I didn't expect such brutal fights from this card, so I was pretty surprised. And how about Koscheck with that beautiful knockout?
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    The arm break reminded me of when Frank Mir broke Tim Sylvia's arm. Back when Frank Mir was a good fighter.

    As for Koscheck, as much as I hate to admit, the knockout was great, but I wish he didn't get it. His standup is TERRIBLE and people keep giving him all kinds of credit for improving on it. He's got one punch...a haymaker. And he's not the type of guy to feed into his ego. He can't even fit in the ring with it as it is.

    None of our fighters fought that night, but look out for Kenny Florian, Pat Cote (when he recovers from the knee injury) and Marcus Davis. They're the biggest fighters out of our school right now.
  • jlzimmermanjlzimmerman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 282
    That's going to leave a mark.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    His standup is TERRIBLE and people keep giving him all kinds of credit for improving on it. He's got one punch...a haymaker.
    Precisely why I don't think we'll be seeing him with a belt anytime soon, if at all. His stand up has gotten better than what it was, but he still has a long way to go to be a well rounded fighter. Good call also on Florian, Cote and Davis. I'm interested and excited to see Kenny Florian in his upcoming fights, whenever those may be, the same goes for Marcus Davis and Patrick Cote, it's a damn shame what happened with his knee. There is no shortage of exciting fighters out there now, so much talent across the weight classes.

    On a different note, what do you think of Brock Lesnar? I don't think too much of him as a fighter personally, even if he does have the belt. I'm waiting for Nogueira to take it away from him after he beats Frank Mir later this month.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    Sucks about Cote's knee. As much as he was bummed, I heard he was completely smashed about an hour after the fight. I trained at Sityodtong in Boston for a while and one of the trainers just opened up a shop here in Beverly where I live, so I have an inside on some of those fighters. I've met Cote, Kenny, Jorge, Pete Spratt - all great guys. Kenny's gonna hold the belt someday....soon! I agree completely on Koscheck - not well rounded enough to be champion material.

    As for Brock, I think he has lots of potential with his collegiate/olympic wrestling background, but he needs to train his standup, cardio, and lose the WWE wrestling persona. He's too much of a hammerhead. As for him getting the belt...lucky punch. It was a surprise to me. Randy's too smart a fighter to go down like that. He would have had the fight had he not gotten caught. Even at the end, Brock wasn't impressive at capitalizing and definitively finishing the fight.

    I agree with you on Nogueira. Like I said, Frank WAS a good fighter. Hasn't shown much since his accident. I think Nogueira has the potential to take them both and bring some much needed talent and excitement to the heavyweight division. I'd like to see him and Randy throw down.
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