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GOP House Passes Bill to Redfine Rape/Abortion....

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
All in the name to stop Abortions from being funded by the govt, which it's already not however they want to make it even harder to get one, even if say you are raped or molested.


Instead of doing what they, the GOP were bitching about over the last few years, JOBS, they haven't done anything to get jobs. They have been trying to dismantle any program that helps the poor, the middle class, and keep our country from creating jobs. While making sure they give the top percentages of income levels all they can.

One thing about the abortion thing that I can't understand is that the GOP and those that are anti abortion are they want to stop them however most of them are against sex ed, against contraception, against child healthcare legislation, and make it so hard for low income families to get state/govt assistance. Which make no sense because those that need assistance from the govt and use these programs more than likely have many children. A lot of poorer people in low income areas have children and thus need assistance. Now if they are kept from having an abortion how are they suppose to support a child on their own with no assistance? Well maybe prostitution however that isn't something someone should have to be force into doing.

There's many studies to conclude that education can prevent the need for abortions and govt assistance for people who need it when they have babies. Women who are more educated and informed are more likely to not have children when they are not ready. Sure abortion is not a very good thing, and I agree that after a point it shouldn't be done but when people are so against it, then gut the programs that are there to stop abortions and educate then go ahead and take away the rights of a WOMAN over her own body especially when they are attacked that to me is EVIL.
The GOP loves to complain about how big government is bad, however it doesn't get any bigger than them telling WOMEN that they can't do something to their bodies, and that if they are RAPED OR MOLESTED they have to meet certain requirements. It's outlandish. I personally think that no man should be able to vote or push this crap. Or if they can, they should be raped and /or molested first. maybe even gang raped. It's horrible.


  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    im going to regret saying this.....BUT, if the goverment shuts down all abortion clinics, u will just have more behind the scenes, sketchy, doctors running it outa their houses thing when there is more disease and death cuz if people want abortions, they will find a way to get it...kinda like booze, when they banned it, what happened, we found other ways to get booze! lol
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Nothing like a good healthy abortion in the AM... hell I had abortions all the time in HS.

  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    So to sum up, it's the standard Democrat line, "Republicans want to: force women into back-alley abortions, kill old people, starve little kids, and rob poor people to pay evil corporations to enslave middle-class workers"

  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    Nothing like a good healthy abortion in the AM... hell I had abortions all the time in HS.

    Is abortion a type of cigar?
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Nothing like a good healthy abortion in the AM... hell I had abortions all the time in HS.

    Is abortion a type of cigar?
    KINDA yeah...

  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    So to sum up, it's the standard Democrat line, "Republicans want to force women into back-alley abortions, kill old people, starve little kids, and rob poor people to pay evil corporations to enslave middle-class workers"

    I reckon they'll accuse anyone that disagrees with them of being knuckle-dragging, racist, neo-Nazi werewolves next.

    Oh, and by the way...love me some abortion :P Very mild and relaxing...like a MoW Virtue.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Nothing like a good healthy abortion in the AM... hell I had abortions all the time in HS.

    Is abortion a type of cigar?
    KINDA yeah...

    Wouldn't 2nds like Ccom sells be considered a type of partial abortion? :P
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    So to sum up, it's the standard Democrat line, "Republicans want to force women into back-alley abortions, kill old people, starve little kids, and rob poor people to pay evil corporations to enslave middle-class workers"

    I reckon they'll accuse anyone that disagrees with them of being knuckle-dragging, racist, neo-Nazi werewolves next.

    Oh, and by the way...love me some abortion :P Very mild and relaxing...like a MoW Virtue.
    lol.. Well then the GOP shouldn't be fighting against the RIGHT of a woman to do what she wants to her body. Simple as that. Some dems voted for it too, but as usual the GOP uses it for their platform, you know they are the values crowd, the very people who push impeachment on a guy for getting head while their leadership are screwing around, even when one of them has a wife dying of cancer. Either way there is no funding from the govt for abortions, and to use that lie to change the definitions of RAPE or Molestation to make the woman keep a baby from that frightful crime is wrong and shameful. I don't have to point fingers at the GOP and those who sponsor them for this, they did what they did.
  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    Nothing like a good healthy abortion in the AM... hell I had abortions all the time in HS.

    Is abortion a type of cigar?
    KINDA yeah...

    Wouldn't 2nds like Ccom sells be considered a type of partial abortion? :P
    If cigars were abortions, then I am one of the best abortionists around. I think it's time for some dead baby jokes.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    So to sum up, it's the standard Democrat line, "Republicans want to force women into back-alley abortions, kill old people, starve little kids, and rob poor people to pay evil corporations to enslave middle-class workers"

    I reckon they'll accuse anyone that disagrees with them of being knuckle-dragging, racist, neo-Nazi werewolves next.

    Oh, and by the way...love me some abortion :P Very mild and relaxing...like a MoW Virtue.
    lol.. Well then the GOP shouldn't be fighting against the RIGHT of a woman to do what she wants to her body. Simple as that. Some dems voted for it too, but as usual the GOP uses it for their platform, you know they are the values crowd, the very people who push impeachment on a guy for getting head while their leadership are screwing around, even when one of them has a wife dying of cancer. Either way there is no funding from the govt for abortions, and to use that lie to change the definitions of RAPE or Molestation to make the woman keep a baby from that frightful crime is wrong and shameful. I don't have to point fingers at the GOP and those who sponsor them for this, they did what they did.
    There are adoption agencies Pheebs, and every single state in the union has a Safe Haven law. And we tried to impeach Clinton because of perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power charges against him. Yes, they stemmed from an investigation of his sexual indiscretions but it was the fact he lied under oath and impeded the entire investigation that got him charged.

    I'm not condoning his or the other senator's actions as right or wrong, but stating that both guys should be punished equally is misleading since only one actually broke laws.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    sure there are adoption agencies, however they aren't low on stock if you know what I mean. But the thing is, after being raped or molested should a woman have to carry that child against her will? I mean if she wants too then fine, but by making her do so.. really? That's what's wrong with this.

    Yeah I know about Clinton, however I find it a weak argument that purgery was their real reasoning behind it, I mean who doesn't lie under oath. Sure he sort of f'd up on that regard however its a bit ridiculous to pursue something like that when you yourself (newt) was doing the same thing but while his wife was going through cancer treatment, sort of shows you that they are all sick.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    sure there are adoption agencies, however they aren't low on stock if you know what I mean. But the thing is, after being raped or molested should a woman have to carry that child against her will? I mean if she wants too then fine, but by making her do so.. really? That's what's wrong with this.

    Yeah I know about Clinton, however I find it a weak argument that purgery was their real reasoning behind it, I mean who doesn't lie under oath. Sure he sort of f'd up on that regard however its a bit ridiculous to pursue something like that when you yourself (newt) was doing the same thing but while his wife was going through cancer treatment, sort of shows you that they are all sick.
    Read the what the article is saying, the GOP wants to change the wording of the law so that the word "Rape" is redefined. It changes what is eligible for a subsidy and tax credit. It says NOTHING about getting rid of abortion clinics, Plan B pills or any other related good/service.

    Woman have the freedom of choice like every other single person in America, if they not afford an abortion or the other options for termination then they can take advantage of adoption agencies or Safe Haven laws. It costs 0$ to use the Safe Haven option, so anyone from a princess to a pauper can afford it.
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