my father in law built it. started w/ 6inw x 12ft rough oak planks. plained down and joined ...........thx kuzi. i love it. humidity is always spot on. im going to have him make me 2 deeper shelves to replace the current ones.
Wow. That's pretty sweet. Did you do all the work yourself?
So is it just the way the picture looks or are your lower drawers at an increased angle, while the upper drawers are flat? If thats the case thats good thinking.
yup, increased angle., i have holes w/ brass tabs that pull out all the way up each side so i can play with the angles.
Amazing work man, thats awesome.
So is it just the way the picture looks or are your lower drawers at an increased angle, while the upper drawers are flat? If thats the case thats good thinking.
yup, increased angle., i have holes w/ brass tabs that pull out all the way up each side so i can play with the angles.
Amazing work man, thats awesome.
So is it just the way the picture looks or are your lower drawers at an increased angle, while the upper drawers are flat? If thats the case thats good thinking.
Thats F'ing cool man, and even better that you can mess with the angles. REally a nice feature. You said you and your father in law built this thing yourselves? i'm impressed man well done.
im surprised noone has commented on how low she is.
That is very nice, you have just increased my ideas. Thanks, also, no one will comment on what you think is low stockage. You have stogies on each row in each tray, lol. C'MON Mannnnnn......
everyone asked me to put up pics as she gets full. here you go........this is a conversation piece over dinner parties etc.
Not to be a downer or anything, because this is just an awesome project, but i see a lot of unused space in there... Maybe you could do something about that?
My fiance and I just moved into a new home with tons of unfinished basement space. She already agreed to let me dedicate a chunk of the space to a man cave. Since I'll have to frame in new walls from scratch, it shouldn't be too much trouble to just plan for an in-wall cabinet like yours.
Coincidentally, it's also my father-in-law who is the one with the construction/wood-working know-how, so it looks like I'll be enlisting his help!
its a great project. and there are only a few in walls that you can buy online. i found one. so youll be making a 1 -off which is way cool. pay special attentioon to the door. mine has no seal, per say, my fil made it w/ 3 step type mill work. that wasnt easy to get it perfect. my humidity is incredibly tight. you can go as big as you want. i chose that size for 2 reasons. 1. in that closet i couldnt go any higher. 2. i wanted to be able access all shelves easily.
bacojay, the possibilities are endless. took me a year to stock it incurrent config. now we'll do deeper shelves, then who knows.
You have really inspired me...
My fiance and I just moved into a new home with tons of unfinished basement space. She already agreed to let me dedicate a chunk of the space to a man cave. Since I'll have to frame in new walls from scratch, it shouldn't be too much trouble to just plan for an in-wall cabinet like yours.
Coincidentally, it's also my father-in-law who is the one with the construction/wood-working know-how, so it looks like I'll be enlisting his help!
How deep is that humi? Actually, what dimensions is that humi? I have a lot of barren wall space and was kicking aroudn the idea of doing something like that. Any advice for someone looking to start makring their own?
ITS 2FT WIDE X 12IN DEEP AND 4FT TALL. ADVICE? track down all your spanish cedar first its not cheap. be sure your door mill work is perfect and "stepped".
and the way you described it was pretty sweet.
So is it just the way the picture looks or are your lower drawers at an increased angle, while the upper drawers are flat? If thats the case thats good thinking.
Then his dog is gone in the second pic *humi open*
That is very nice, you have just increased my ideas. Thanks, also, no one will comment on what you think is low stockage. You have stogies on each row in each tray, lol. C'MON Mannnnnn......
My fiance and I just moved into a new home with tons of unfinished basement space. She already agreed to let me dedicate a chunk of the space to a man cave. Since I'll have to frame in new walls from scratch, it shouldn't be too much trouble to just plan for an in-wall cabinet like yours.
Coincidentally, it's also my father-in-law who is the one with the construction/wood-working know-how, so it looks like I'll be enlisting his help!