Shipping carrier change Ccom?

Just wanted to see if this is just a flook or the way things are going to be from here on out. I'm used to receiving my goodies fast via USPS but upon checking the tracking numbers I see that its UPS now. Anyone else seeing this or am I the only one. Not to keen on the idea of UPS from all the horror stories I have read about on the forums. Could someone from Ccom chime in and shed some light on the matter or PM. Thanks
As for my location Im located in ID and PA is more then a stone throw away. Shoot when Ken Light and I did a deal it was super fast USPS. I'll shoot a message to the crew at Ccom and see whats the best route. I thank everyone for the feed back on the topic.
All my oders have alwasy come USPS to California, UPS takes 2 weeks to get here it alwasy sits in some waherhouse near the By in San Francisco till there is ful trucks to cometo Sacramento... and the UPS packages always come beat up... and when its 110 degrees taking that long the cigars are Toast.......
I HATE UPS period
I was updated with a reply here and via email and from the sounds of it the best way around is to call or email them now on. This isn't always an option for me due to schedule conflicts. Although a ccom rep has offer to be a "go to" person which is another avenue but from what I have experienced so far and have read on the forums it can generate time to get a reply back. I thank everyone for their thoughts on the matter and for the responses from ccom aswell. I'll have to weigh my options and see what works for me.