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Republican FCC Commissioner quites, hired at Comcast as SVP!

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
Yup, another great example of someone who is suppose to be a regulator only to not do their job and then get hired to the very organization who they were suppose to regulate.

"As the revolving door continues to spin and the line between regulators and companies they're supposed to oversee evaporates, the Wall Street Journal today reports that Republican FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker is poised to leave the FCC for a job at Comcast Corporation. "Ms. Baker is expected to announce her departure as soon as this week for an unknown position at the Philadelphia-based cable giant," notes the Journal. Baker, who joined the FCC just two years ago, leaves the FCC just four months after she voted yes on Comcast's $13.75 billion acquisition of NBC. Bakers term is up in June, though she was expected to be re-nominated for the seat. "



  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    After reading the comments left behind on that article, it seems this little squirrel will fit right in. Lifted from the comments:

    Good old fashioned US Government corruption. Ahh feels good don't it?
    It's like they're (FCC) not even trying anymore. It's also getting harder every day to deny that fascism is alive.
    There is nothing communist or Pinko about providing for the voters. However, it is quite "antithetical to the American way" to allow large corporations and wealthy individuals to exploit our democratic system by circumventing our representation via bribes and corruption, and to allow banks to make the very money we have access to and thus cripple the financial power of our nation. Educate yourself and then come back to make an informed comment. However, you are correct, this is America. You have every right to remain igorant and spew uninformed insults at the very individuals that wish to help you.
    But she's a Republican't and . . . they can do anything they want. Including rewriting the rules and history.
    And my personal favorite:

    How to clean up the USA

    1. Remove the rights of personhood from corporations.
    2. Nationalize banks. But first, limit amounts of money to be created by private banks. Print money and build some inflation: 25% to lower [real] personal debt, and help pay off debt with printed money.
    3. Remove revolving door between Congress/Agencies and companies. 5 year minimum.
    4. National health insurance - as a right. Start by nationalizing private largest insurance companies.
    5. Adjust taxes for wealthy to pre-1980 rates.
    6. Outlaw speculation on "necessary products" (fuel, food, water).
    7. De-couple media distribution from content providers.
    8. Breakup large corporations, particularly in communications/media.
    9. Guarantee Net-neutrality.
    10. Flat-progressive tax. 0% first $15K, 15% up to $100K 22%$ $100-250K, 40% $250K-1mil, 90% - $1mil+.
    11. Reduce military spending by 30%.
    12. Increase educational spending 2x.
    13. Limit public salaries to 4x the lowest paid worker or $85K adjusted for inflation.
    14. Decentralize energy creation. Solar on rooftops selling power back to grid. Windmills.
    15. Require 80% of produce be sold within 200 miles of where it is grown.
    16. Governmental desalination projects.
    17. Tax breaks for children = $2k 1st, $500 2nd, $2K penalty for each additional. Encourage population reduction. Limit immigration and prepare for the new economy that does NOT run on growth and debt.
    18. Choose a national language and limit tax-funded programs to it. Require working knowledge of the language for incoming legal residents and citizens.
    19. Outlaw genetically-modified crops. Require organic farming / ranching. Outlaw factory farming.
    20. Penalize offshoring of businesses.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    After reading the comments left behind on that article, it seems this little squirrel will fit right in. Lifted from the comments:

    Good old fashioned US Government corruption. Ahh feels good don't it?
    It's like they're (FCC) not even trying anymore. It's also getting harder every day to deny that fascism is alive.
    There is nothing communist or Pinko about providing for the voters. However, it is quite "antithetical to the American way" to allow large corporations and wealthy individuals to exploit our democratic system by circumventing our representation via bribes and corruption, and to allow banks to make the very money we have access to and thus cripple the financial power of our nation. Educate yourself and then come back to make an informed comment. However, you are correct, this is America. You have every right to remain igorant and spew uninformed insults at the very individuals that wish to help you.
    But she's a Republican't and . . . they can do anything they want. Including rewriting the rules and history.
    And my personal favorite:

    How to clean up the USA

    1. Remove the rights of personhood from corporations.
    2. Nationalize banks. But first, limit amounts of money to be created by private banks. Print money and build some inflation: 25% to lower [real] personal debt, and help pay off debt with printed money.
    3. Remove revolving door between Congress/Agencies and companies. 5 year minimum.
    4. National health insurance - as a right. Start by nationalizing private largest insurance companies.
    5. Adjust taxes for wealthy to pre-1980 rates.
    6. Outlaw speculation on "necessary products" (fuel, food, water).
    7. De-couple media distribution from content providers.
    8. Breakup large corporations, particularly in communications/media.
    9. Guarantee Net-neutrality.
    10. Flat-progressive tax. 0% first $15K, 15% up to $100K 22%$ $100-250K, 40% $250K-1mil, 90% - $1mil+.
    11. Reduce military spending by 30%.
    12. Increase educational spending 2x.
    13. Limit public salaries to 4x the lowest paid worker or $85K adjusted for inflation.
    14. Decentralize energy creation. Solar on rooftops selling power back to grid. Windmills.
    15. Require 80% of produce be sold within 200 miles of where it is grown.
    16. Governmental desalination projects.
    17. Tax breaks for children = $2k 1st, $500 2nd, $2K penalty for each additional. Encourage population reduction. Limit immigration and prepare for the new economy that does NOT run on growth and debt.
    18. Choose a national language and limit tax-funded programs to it. Require working knowledge of the language for incoming legal residents and citizens.
    19. Outlaw genetically-modified crops. Require organic farming / ranching. Outlaw factory farming.
    20. Penalize offshoring of businesses.
    some good ideas there too! Funny how you go after the comments though, not the article or the facts of the article. Typical... I really hope you get all the love from your beliefs, I mean being a complete slave to the whim of corporate control.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Pheebs, Marco why can't we just agree that politicians and these unnamed corporations are pieces of sh*t?

    Seriously though.

  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    some good ideas there too! Funny how you go after the comments though, not the article or the facts of the article. Typical... I really hope you get all the love from your beliefs, I mean being a complete slave to the whim of corporate control.
    Show me who you run with and I'll show you who you really are. We are the company we keep.

    I believe a man can go as high in this country as he wants, that he shouldn't have to be afraid of the Gov't kneecapping him if he becomes "too successful". You, on the other hand, have a certain threshold at which a company or person is too successful and needs to lower their profit margins, or "give back", as if they've stolen their success and wealth from someone else.
    Pheebs, Marco why can't we just agree that politicians and these unnamed corporations are pieces of sh*t?

    Seriously though.

    Big difference between a corporation sucking off the Gov't teet and a company that's just trying to make a profit and grow, just like there's a difference between the politician who tries to deregulate and let companies do what they want, and the one who tries to bring every business they can under their regulatory thumb, to pay the tithe if they wanna do business. Not every politician is a POS and neither is every company; just depends on the company you keep and what you believe in that defines the difference.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426

    So you wanna tax me for my children? Wow, I drive a shitty car because I dont want a car payment. Why is that? Because I get paid $HIT to go to war (leaving my family at home) to defend peoples rights to say they want to tax me for the amount of kids I have as a way of 'population reduction'. I pay my bills! I support all of my kids! But wait theres more. They want to cut military spending by 30%. I really wish I could find a better way to articulate this. When you cut military spending you are taking away from the soldiers. I am not saying they should be allowed to spend five hundred dollars on a screwdriver, but if its $50 for the screwdriver that fixed the screw in the wing of the Drone that fired the 3 hellfires into a building who killed the insurgents that shot me last time I was in Iraq? I'd have paid 5x! And who in the fucking H3LL should tell me how many kids I can have? I say we just get rid of all the political zealots! I bet the person who posted this has never fought for anything other than a parking spot!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Pheebs, I don't understand why you, or anyone else has a problem with this. Let's just set aside the fact that the FCC has completely overstepped their authority and have directly disobeyed the Supreme Court and U.S. Constitution. For now I'd just like to ask, how is this any different than a guy who has been a city building inspector and retires, then works as a handyman to keep himself busy? Isn't he doing the same thing? Should he be punished for trying to succeed and better his life, much like the subject of your article?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    why can't we just agree that politicians and these unnamed corporations are pieces of sh*t?

    Seriously though.

  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Hmmmmm..... Decent highly-political gov't job making a nice six-figure income? Or cushy multi-million dollar corporate job in the private sector? Tough call, I know.....

    I bet you would turn down that offer in a heartbeat, Pheebs. Cuz it's all "unethical" n stuff.... Sure you would ;-).....

    My favorite quote from the comments of this non-story:

    "Bill Daley(yes, the brother of Chicago's nearly-ex Mayor Daley), Obama's current Chief of Staff, was Clinton's Commerce Secretary in Clinton's 2nd term.

    Bill Daley was Clinton's chief NAFTA lobbyist in Clinton's 1st term. (Yes, NAFTA passed Congress and was heavily endorsed by Bill Clinton. ) Daley also opposed Obamacare.

    He also was a President at SBC (now AT&T). Daley was also Midwest chairman of JP Morgan Chase. He has also been on the board of both Boeing and Merck. Mr. Daley is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    The more the US government regulates, the more of this Revolving Door situation happens. It ensures a good living for more government employees, govt regulators, lawyers, and lobbyists. It also favors big companies, to the detriment of small companies."

    Chicago is prime example of the "revolving door policy" in this country. Think it's any coincidence that of all the places Obama could have picked to break into politics, he chose Chicago? Wonder why?

    Now our former mayor Richie "Scotchbreath" Daley gets to keep over $1 Million in campaign funds thanks to legislation that Obama helped pass.

    This sh*t will never end. No matter who you vote for......
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Why is his political affiliation even relevant? All these jerks are self serving buttholes regardless of party. The only difference in the story if he had been a Democrat is that the media would't have mentioned his affiliation.
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