New Credit Card Policies.. (mastercard especially)

So I'm a little lazy so there is no linky to the the actual story, but the jist of it is that Mastercard is going to bring down a lockdown on tobacco purchases around the 1st of the year. Seems that it has something to do with 1, helping states keep taxes for tobacco, 2, crack down on people under age from buying tobacco, 3, one that I personally think is the case, To Further the Agenda of Tearing down the Constitution.
Now supposedly if the retailer whom you are buying from (online merchant) if they follow the rules which Mastercard specifies then the charge should go through. I'm curious if the other card companies will follow. I personally feel that is one more step in the destruction of freedom. I really don't like cigs, I get massive headaches from them, that is why I don't go around them, but I'm fully aware that if I want to go to a bar then cigs come with that. It's a choice, but when I'm not allowed to smoke them or buy them that's just taking away rights because of a group that deems them unfit or safe. Now there are laws that are passed or passing (come jan 1st here in Oregon) that Ban smoking in bars and such, which I do think is WRONG but then again I can't smoke a cigar in them so I say screw 'em! But the loophole is that cigarbars and smokebars need to fill out certain paperwork to be exempt. I really don't think any of these laws should stand, as I feel that it's an attack on our rights. Though I'm sure a lot of you would agree on that. I'm just confused on how/why these laws are being enforced or allowed.
Now supposedly if the retailer whom you are buying from (online merchant) if they follow the rules which Mastercard specifies then the charge should go through. I'm curious if the other card companies will follow. I personally feel that is one more step in the destruction of freedom. I really don't like cigs, I get massive headaches from them, that is why I don't go around them, but I'm fully aware that if I want to go to a bar then cigs come with that. It's a choice, but when I'm not allowed to smoke them or buy them that's just taking away rights because of a group that deems them unfit or safe. Now there are laws that are passed or passing (come jan 1st here in Oregon) that Ban smoking in bars and such, which I do think is WRONG but then again I can't smoke a cigar in them so I say screw 'em! But the loophole is that cigarbars and smokebars need to fill out certain paperwork to be exempt. I really don't think any of these laws should stand, as I feel that it's an attack on our rights. Though I'm sure a lot of you would agree on that. I'm just confused on how/why these laws are being enforced or allowed.
there was a thread about it a while back.