That's great news. WHODAT!! I live in FL now but will move back to my home town eventually and I'm glad to hear this. Wish other states would follow suit.
Why is it everytime they come up with these tobacco / smoking tax proposals or bans they always feel the need to throw in there, "well this is a deterrent for potential smokers, especially the youth." Come on man.
Why is it everytime they come up with these tobacco / smoking tax proposals or bans they always feel the need to throw in there, "well this is a deterrent for potential smokers, especially the youth." Come on man.
Because the unintelligent and uninformed, scratch that, the ignorant will believe anything they are told.
Maybe the tide is turning. I'm sure the experience of other states, where revenue drops after overtaxation, had something to do with this. I think lawmakers in LA have other things to do besides destroying commerce.
NO NEW TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!