According to your laws that I read in one of the comments probably wouldn't get the gun, spending the rest of your life in the slammer, probably not worth it. I do understand your frustration though. Get a big dog, maybe a doberman or pitbull let him roam the yard.
That's frustrating. In the US, trespassing is a criminal offense so the cops can take of it. The homeowners should just take all their stuff and set it on fire. Is it a d1ck move? Sure, but so is taking sh1ts on my lawn and leaving heroin needles lying around.
Shoot on sight....we need armed gunman at the border, Ive wanted that as long as Pat Buchanan has........ANNNNND somone please remind Wang he is now in Canadia;)
Shoot on sight....we need armed gunman at the border, Ive wanted that as long as Pat Buchanan has........ANNNNND somone please remind Wang he is now in Canadia;)
Haha. Except I'm not illegal. Sent off all the paperwork and paid all the necessary fees for permanent residence and a work permit. That and I won't be revoking my US citizenship like Superman.
Shoot on sight....we need armed gunman at the border, Ive wanted that as long as Pat Buchanan has........ANNNNND somone please remind Wang he is now in Canadia;)
One of the reason I moved from Scotland to here. Things like this make me so mad. I would say get the big assed dog and let him deal with it, but they would prob end up raking you ass in court over the dog assaulting the guy sh1tting on your lawn.