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No 4th of July fireworks for Calif. city - Environmentalists sue & win suit

xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
You can't make this stuff up - a judge in San Diego has put a hold on 4th of July fireworks for the city of La Jolla because an environmentalist outfit sued, claiming the residue from fireworks harms seals, fish and birds

Article on group threatening to sue from last year: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/jun/25/group-sues-to-snuff-fireworks-in-la-jolla/

Article on group winning suit: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/jun/02/fireworks-limbo-while-judge-reviews-case


  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    WTF makes people want to live in these highly oppressive states?
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    WTF makes people want to live in these highly oppressive states?
    Well, the weather is pretty good all year round... I've had enough of CA, wouldn't mind uprooting and going somewhere else. These fucking environmentalist assholes are a drain, we should just box them up and send them to a desert island.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    That's bogus as hell...

    Chicago canceled their annual fireworks show at Grant park on the 3rd. They said it was for budget reasons. But the real reason is that our police force is stretched so thin you can put cheese on it, bake it at 350 for 20 mins and barely feed a family of four.

    Last couple of years turned pretty violent at the Taste of Chicago. Lots of "wilding" goin on. Packs of teens, mostly gangbangers, gather up and just go wild at designated locations. Randomly beating people, robbing, looting convenient stores, etc... They organize using facebook, myspace and texting. We just don't have the man power to prepare for worse this year.

    We already had to shut down a major beach on Memorial Day due to "heat concerns". It was 87 degrees on Monday....... Hmmmmmm...... Truth was, there was roving packs of teens terrorizing the citizens and instead of crackin the whip and locking up everything that moved, the police just shut down the beach and ruined the fun for everyone. Typical knee-jerk response......

    It's gonna be a fun summer here in Chicago. And it hasn't even broken 90 degrees yet.....
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