Reading the comments below the article, it's frightening how many people are ok with this, even saying the Gov't should go farther and install dashboard cams at drivers, with the excuse "only the guilty are afraid of this kind of thing". It's scary how many people are willing to give up their freedoms, thinking the Gov't will make them safe.
As Ben Franklin once said, "Those who are willing to give up a little liberty to gain a little security deserve neither and will lose both."
Another article on this - the only people interested in this kind of info is judges and insurance companies
Reading the comments below the article, it's frightening how many people are ok with this, even saying the Gov't should go farther and install dashboard cams at drivers, with the excuse "only the guilty are afraid of this kind of thing". It's scary how many people are willing to give up their freedoms, thinking the Gov't will make them safe.
As Ben Franklin once said, "Those who are willing to give up a little liberty to gain a little security deserve neither and will lose both."