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heading down a slippery slope..........

KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
Well Gents (and ladies??)
My third post here....and I think I may have a "problem"........
My second post was about beverages and gars.....and now I have ammo and ideas to try coffee again thanks to all the great posters here (think hot black Costa Rican, thermos, small cup).
I've been buried in this Forum - great reading.

It's Wednesday evening, and all I can think about is what cigar I'm going to dry box tomorrow for Friday's evening smoke.
What's worse? I'm also obsessively thinking about what cigars to dry box Friday morning for Saturday's smokes, which will include a "morning" smoke with hot coffee, an afternoon smoke at the BBQ with a beer or three, and an evening smoke back at home around the outdoor fire pit, probably with a Scotch or maybe an iced coffee if I plan on staying up late, or we have guests.

Cigars in the morning........3 smokes in a day....................heading down a slippery slope..............
Is this how it's gonna be from now on??


  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Short answer ... Yes.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Well Gents (and ladies??)
    My third post here....and I think I may have a "problem"........
    My second post was about beverages and gars.....and now I have ammo and ideas to try coffee again thanks to all the great posters here (think hot black Costa Rican, thermos, small cup).
    I've been buried in this Forum - great reading.

    It's Wednesday evening, and all I can think about is what cigar I'm going to dry box tomorrow for Friday's evening smoke.
    What's worse? I'm also obsessively thinking about what cigars to dry box Friday morning for Saturday's smokes, which will include a "morning" smoke with hot coffee, an afternoon smoke at the BBQ with a beer or three, and an evening smoke back at home around the outdoor fire pit, probably with a Scotch or maybe an iced coffee if I plan on staying up late, or we have guests.

    Cigars in the morning........3 smokes in a day....................heading down a slippery slope..............
    Is this how it's gonna be from now on??

    What?, seems normal to me
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    if you keep your cigars at a lower Rh then you wont have to dry box them.

    ...just sayin.
  • MonteWhiteMonteWhite Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 200
    Haha, that's what's been happening to me lately. I've been smoking more and more cigars.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    kuzi16 - yea I know about that situation. I'm still figuring out my "new to me" humi, a real nice desktop one (125ct or so) one from a friend who retired from stogies.
    My humi stays at around 70-72 - which is OK for some of my sticks - but not others it seems (especially the Gurhka Titans.)
    I'm trying to get it down to 68 to 70.
    I screwed up a bit a several weeks ago when I broke in the humi (it had been unused for quite sometime) - about 1/2 my stogies sat at 75rh for about 4 to 5 days, many of them the Titans. And, I've been adding stock, etc. - so things are slowly settling in.
    I see humi accessories in my future........

    think I'll go check the rh now as a matter of fact.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    Yes, but what's your point? I don't see the problem here. =D
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Is this how it's gonna be from now on??

    No. Someday you will look back at these days as the "when I was just starting out in the hobby" days. :-)

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    you guys are killing me..........
    I just want to be a "casual" cigar smoker - ya know - 2 or 3 gars a week, maybe a month goes by without lighting up?...........

    yeah right......I'm pretty much screwed.
    I'm logging into Ccom several times a day, checking into the evil empire and other sites as well (but rarely buy from anyone else - the folks here are the best) - I'm flipping through the catalogs even though I've looked at them 5 times already.......crap!!!!

    Right now I'm hanging in there at smoking only Fri, Sat and Sun, and I need to try and stay with that program......pretty sure that is workable......but I sure am looking forward to Saturday morning - might even post a pic!
    I'm slippin.................
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I say, just enjoy it. It may stay that way, or it may not, but it's exciting as hell right now, so just go with it. If you want to be more casual about it later you can, but you'll probably need to get this part out of your system first. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's kind of the way stuff works for me.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    You're probably right Russ - just a mild case of temporary insanity - it will all go away soon.

    I just know I'd feel a lot better if I had twice as many sticks as I have right now.

  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    I keep mine at low 60's% and they are perfect. Never a need to drybox.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Well Gents (and ladies??)
    Cigars in the morning........3 smokes in a day....................heading down a slippery slope..............
    Is this how it's gonna be from now on??

    Sounds about right, no problem.
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    You might as well start shopping around for a cooler now
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    And get the wireless, belt clip, vacuum cleaner now. It will save a lot of time cleaning up your ashes.
  • mfotismfotis Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720
    I'm logging into Ccom several times a day, checking into the evil empire and other sites as well (but rarely buy from anyone else - the folks here are the best) - I'm flipping through the catalogs even though I've looked at them 5 times already.......crap
    Umm the last time I logged into CCOM was a couple of months ago........I've just never logged out, I stays in the background always. I was this way about a year ago and I buying up anything thing that looked remotely tasty. I've slowed down a bit, you know how life can get in the way of haveing a good time. I also had to invest in the cooler, actually I'm looking at buying a second one now. But kudos to you for being able to plan ahead, I cant do that. I have to look at my stock when I want one and let the nose and taste buds pick it for me for that day.
  • ndhaon91ndhaon91 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    This has definitely been a problem for me. For most of the last decade I've considered myself a cigar smoker, even though I probably averaged 1-2 cigars a month during that time. If that, even. There'd be some stretches of 1 cigar per week, but as recently as 2 years ago I remember going like 5 months without a cigar.

    That all changed about a year and a half ago when I found this site and got into my easy summer schedule. Next thing you know, I'm smoking a cigar basically every afternoon by the pool. Even then, I was probably at 5-6 cigars per week, max.

    Then even more recently, as in the last month or two, all the sudden I'm really into morning smokes. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to have my evening smoke, of course. And several times a week I have to make a drive from Denver to Colorado Springs and back... just enough time for a robusto each way. Next thing you know, I'm not thinking twice about smoking 2-3 cigars per day!

    It's definitely a bit out of control for me. I'm a nutrition and workout hound, and this is very contrary to my otherwise obsessively healthy lifestyle. I love it, but I do need to back off a bit. I've also noticed that I don't appreciate each cigar as much as I used to, and that my palate is probably a bit overwhelmed.

    Unfortunately, I don't see much changing this summer, with my having even more time off than I did last year, and ccom continue to run ridiculous DD's. I'm telling myself that after my honeymoon in September I'm going to start weaning...
  • Dude LoveDude Love Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 315
    Yeah...y'all are pretty much done for. The best course is to simply accept it, and buy a Wine-a-dor.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    I just know I'd feel a lot better if I had twice as many sticks as I have right now.

    Oh boy, that's the next step on the slippery slope - buying another humi. Then, buying another humi. Then, humis don't cut it so you buy a cooler...
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    Oh man - hate to admit it - but I've already been thinking about just that!
    Looking at the huge white Costco Igloo cooler we have sitting at the deli, with the small pop-up access door in the middle (so you don't have to open the whole lid when grabbing a stick or ten) - grooves built into the sides which would be perfect for pre-drilled plexiglass dividers................

    yep - I've got the newbie fever for sure.................
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
    LOL! Just enjoy the time! You only live once. If you feel like a smoke, go for it! I just try not to stink up the house. I sit out back or go to the local B&M. I usually get in a stick in morning after my meeting then maybe one in the evening after dinner. I've managed to contain my cigar smoking to two small humidors (50 and 25ct) and a travel herf(for work). But I just told my wife last night...its time for a bigger box! The trades this week have increased my stash and I was looking at where I'm gonna be sticking the 2 packages coming in today! I'd really like a 150ct box. Funny part is, I told the wife..."Hey babe, I'd like a bigger humidor." She replies..."I'd like the boots we seen at Harley." So what does that mean? Do I buy her the boots, and myself the humidor...or...is this some reverse psychology crap women pull on men. Well, I'll just buy both and play dumb if she asks questions! As long as she gets the boots right...? I'll be happy!
  • crzydimnd68crzydimnd68 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 136
    Occasionally I will have a smoke during the week at home.Or maybe stop by the B&M for a smoke and a drink.But typically I tend to be a weekend smoker.It seems that I enjoy a smoke more if it had been several days since my last.Kinda like eating pizza every day.Eventually you get tired of it.Do what's best for you.I keep a variety of cigars on hand and enjoy picking up a few here and there.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    yep - that's gonna have to remain my m-o as well - fri, sat, sun will be smoke days - the other 4 will be "anticipation" days........
    that's my plan, and I'm stickin with it.............

    my wife's been getting "nervous".......

    "are you on that cigar web site AGAIN?"

    " no honey - just sending an email to a friend"......................

    Now my cigar sickness has me telling lies......................little white lies....you guys are my friends......

  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    I find that it goes in cycles for me. Sometimes I only have one a week or so, but then I will have days like today when I had four. I think it will end up being like what you drink... maybe Pepsi is your favorite soda, but every once in a while a Mountain Dew just sounds delicious! Maybe you dont drink beer all the time, but some hot summer days you just go "Man - a frosty barleypop sounds delish right now!".

    Said all that to say this - I will echo what others have said on your thread here. Dont worry about the seeming mania, EMBRACE IT. This is when you are gonna find out whether you're a maduro guy or not, whether a ligero stick agrees with or tastes awful to you, which connecticut you like best when the mood for one hits you.

    All part of this awesome hobby of ours. If you're enjoying what you're doing right now, well - enjoyment is why we got into it in the first place, right? :-)

  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    The Sniper:
    Maybe you dont drink beer all the time

    This happens????
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    The Sniper:
    Maybe you dont drink beer all the time

    This happens????
    Only to women and small children, you should be safe. LOL

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