You don't need to lose muscle to lose fat. it has been proven that weight lifting and the muscles accrued will help burn fat. There are a lot of different ways to lift though. has a lot of good forums and exercises. i do quite a bit of heavy lifting which I gain weight by. If I feel like I'm gaining too much weight I change my workout program to lower weights and more reps. an average of 15-20 reps per set with an average of 3-5 sets per exercise. when lifting heavy I do a lot of split sets etc. You should also be doing cardio with your workout. if you don't have a lot of time to go to the gym do back to back sets. Do one set on bicep and immediately do a set for the tricept. Rest for 1.5-2 min and continue that way until you have done 4-5 sets for those 2 exercises and then move on to another exercise for those two muscle groups. I will usually do tris and bi's, chest and back, and legs on the third day. with abs mixed in. Google HIIT. It's a great cardio program that doesn't take a lot of time and has been proven to burn off subcutious fat. You can do it with any cardio. I usually do it on the stationary bike because I can't run right now. I'll do a 10 min warm up and then go all out for 20 sec, after that I'll do 2 min at 60%. I'll do that 6-8 times and then stay at 60-70% for the rest of my time which is usually 45 min to an hour. Hope this helps
Muscle burns more calories than fat. Also, diet is about 60% of any weight-loss routine - if you work out and are still fat, it's time to re-evaluate what you're eating.
Man I struggle with a similar situation! My weight limit is 175 and I'm 168 this I'm pretty close! The messed up part is I have abs and I'm in good shape. Now say I let it swing and I'm 175...I have to be taped for body fat percentage. I have a small neck and I always struggle when I tape. Now how the hell do I look lean with abs but close to failing for body fat percentage.
My normal day is yogurt with fruit & granola for bfast, protein shake mid-morning. Lift weights and run 2 or 3 miles around lunch. After have a salad or lean chicken for lunch usually with a diet coke or water. When i get home...I do Insanity Cardio with my wife for usually 40 minutes. And usually have baked or grilled chicken with a salad for dinner.
I've finally come to the conclusion that its the way we're built. Your more dense than they are. You'll have to work your butt off and cut fat. Lift weights to maintain muscle mass and kill the cardio. Eat healthy and watch your caloric intake. Its tough man but if it was easy...more people would do it.
plus one with what everyone else said. small changes make a big difference, do you drink soda? cut it out or down by half, take the stairs, get out and walk for 15 when on break. The math is if you cut 500 calories (2 sodas) out of your daily intake and burn 500 more calories than usual then you will lose at least one pound a week. It wont happen overnight but if you stick with the small changes you will eventually see bigger changes.